Monday, March 7, 2011


Besides the scintillating stories at "Discipline And Desire" this week is a WolfieToon with a Singing Cowboy.

He's crooning a tune based on one I did for Season and Michael and All at "Blossom and Thorn", and you should click on over and enjoy the tremendous and tremendously funny song parodies everyone else is doing over there!  The icing on that cake (with Imp fingerprints in it, no doubt) is the cleverly chosen batch of illustrations!

Oh, and here are some staring chickens.


  1. Which came first? "The Singing Cowboy, or the Crowing Chicken?" LOL - your art just cracks me up! But then.. that IS the objective, right? (heehee)

  2. Thanks very much Zelle, and you're egg-zactly right! The challenge is to think of what comes nest.

  3. I thought cowboys would be strict. Can they be strict sometimes, do you think?
    I sigh just thinking about it.

  4. Oh, you bet, Darlin'. Even singin' cowboys can spank!

  5. hi wolfie,

    i'll say it again, that rooster is the most hilarious part of the toon:D he's really pissed..............LOL. his bride on the other hand has that look of longing and is certainly wishing for a spanking of her own. the goofy look on our cowboy's face as he spanks and sings is pretty hilarious too:D

    poppy, if you want to see strict cowboys cruise over to overbarrel's spanking toons 5, in the links section here, go to the files section and check out the folder marked "takin charge". you'll find a cowboy spanking toon there which has some strict cowboys as well as a little humor. be prepared to spend a little time though as the toon is 42 pics long. thanks, phil
