Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Shadow Knows!

Okay, Wolfekateers, time to gather around the seven-foot tall Philco radio for your favorite thriller!!

Yes indeed, the Shadow knows what mischief brews in the hearts of Imps.. and does something about it!!  (2008 "Discipline and Desire" Halloween WolfieToon!)


  1. Only the Shadow knows what mischief lurks in the hearts of imps, but NOBODY knows the extent of zaniness lurking deep inside the mind of Dave Wolfe. Like an iceberg, exposing only the tip of his.....wackiness for the rest of us to behold.

  2. DW, love this Halloween WolfieToon, and since I missed it the first time around it's like a bonus as it is brand new to me.

  3. Haha, great cartoon! That's one way to get the trick-or-treaters to go away!

  4. Ice always happy to share the wackiness, Mike! Your appreciation is much appreciated!

    Thanks, Lea, glad you liked it, too! But I dunno, such a scene might actually draw an enthralled crowd!

  5. omg! You are Verrrrrry Spoooooooky, DW! I sure wouldn't want to hear that voice behind me in the dark! Especially if that voice knew what kind of mischief I was brewing, and was behind my behind!

    Double, double, toil and trouble...

    I think the weed of crime bears Snickers Fun Size candy bars. (Well, no more than THREE...) ;-)

    This is a really fun toon, DW! Thanks!

  6. You're welcome, and thank YOU, Larken-- and yes, if you are bubbling up mischief, you could hear Snickers in your ear and lose knickers from your rear!! Bwoo Ha Ha Haaa!

  7. Oh yeah, like HE didn't steal candy from the kids' bucket!!

    1. Well, Sarah, I don't think he performed sugar larceny, but perhaps he did Bait and Switch...

  8. Did somebody say Snickers? *snicker snicker :-) *

  9. There was a real spanking (or two) in a Shadow movie called BEHIND THE MASK at the very end of the movie and it did feature a much spanked actress Doretha Kent who also got one in More than a Secretary from Jean Arthur. Great positioning in both. Thanks again. Have a great day,

    1. And thank you, Jim! As a matter of fact, I recently saw that double-spanking with both Dorothea and Barbara Reed receiving! You're a wealth of information-- I didn't realize Ms Kent from "More Than A Secretary" was the second over-the-lap lady! and while the names were the same, this movie Shadow wasn't quite the same one from the radio and pulp novels.
