Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is This The Eternal Struggle?

Well, no, it isn't.  It's detail from the new WolfieToon at this week's Discipline and Desire" update!

I think you should treat yourself to the magical opening chapter of Robin Smith's  "Hopler's Happy Toads" -- I love seeing a bastard get his!-- and then nicker and snicker out west where milking a cow is only the first surprise awaiting a city gal in April Hill's "Borrowed Bride!"

You can also see the excerpts from the five new stories-- including two holiday-themed tales-- or if you're a "D&D" member, you get the whole shebang!

I used to go with a shebang.  Holey socks!


  1. Nah, the eternal struggle is with jeans. Skirts make it too easy on the spanker. I like to wear pants with lots of confusing buttons. ;-) Great toon!

  2. I object! Hrumph.

    I'm pretty sure HE's responsible for her ridiculous position...

    Love that kitty cat reading the paper! And of course that guy would have a lupine on his wall! :-)

    This may not be the eternal struggle, but it's quite possibly the eternal debate.

    Great toon, DW!

  3. I think she will be struggling to keep from falling on the floor if he tries to match the color of her hiney to those panties.

  4. DW, sorry I'm late on this and have been mostly absent recently. Just so darn busy with holidays and keeping a certain naughty girl in her place...which is over my knee. Marvelous WolfieToon and I have been using that debate tactic for years. Actually, when a girl is in that position it usually ends all debate. :)

  5. Thanks, Gang!

    Lea-- AHA! You put a lot of thought into that, pants with confusing buttons! I may have to steal that for a future cartoon! Thanks in advance!

    Hiya, Larken! Well, you see, the fella put her in a ridiculous position as a demonstration of her own ridiculous position. It's a demonstration. The cat may be checking the want ads for a new place, if that couple's conversations are always so loud.

    Hee, Kaki, Springrose mentioned her panty color, too! I'm very fond of hot pink!

    Hey, Mike! I'm sure these first holidays as Man and Feisty Beloved Wife are a treasure! Thanks for all the joy you share, too! That's called "Michaelvalian," her end just fried by any means.

  6. "Michaelvalian" I LOVE that, DW! Thanks so much, you are a real prince.

  7. HA! Bravo, Mike! And right back atcha!
