Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mini Spanking!

Well, not "a short spanking," but "a spanking in a short skirt."  Maybe her name is Minnie.  Anyway, this was on stage and Gilligan features it in THIS "MINISKIRT MONDAY" POST at his wonderful blog "RETROSPACE!"  There's always something entertaining to peruse there!  

I don't know what this production was.  I only know that when I was doing high school theatre, we never got any scripts with spanking.  And Wolfie was sad. 


  1. There definitely was no spanking in ours either or I would've gone to more plays. ;-)

  2. Yes, Lea, the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the cutie and make her sting!

    Hm, that quote might be slightly off.

  3. The rain in spain means spanking by the cane?

    Maybe I was fantasizing too much when watching My Fair Lady, that may not be right either.

  4. That picture is of Kaki starring in "Kaki". You might remember the tune "Don't Spank Me Hard, Charley" sung by Madonna. Kaki obvious was singing another tune at the time. ;)

  5. Thanks, Bree!! I didn't get to see the original run of "Kaki!" Do you think she'll stay with the show when it goes on the road? I love seeing stars around the bottom of the original star!

    (P.S.-- They made "The Lion King" into a Broadway musical, but not "Finding Nemo," and you know why? Because it's very hard to tuna fish.)

  6. Very funny, Bree.

    No, I don't think Kaki will be going on the road. My hiney wouldn't be able to take the long bumpy bus rides. *ouch*

    "tuna fish" *groan* Codn't you do batter than that?

  7. Aw, Kaki, you won't be bouncing your beautiful bottom on the bus? Bummer!! OK, I'll wait for the movie, then.

    Snicker!! Y'know, I thought about fishing for more puns, but Kip already did most of 'em HERE!

  8. Wolfie, thanks, I havn't heard that song in ages. Fish puns flop up on deck from time to time and are still funny, moist of the time.

  9. Wow!! What a great pic that is!! I love it!


  10. Thanks, Sarah, me, too!

    Gilligan has expressed bemusement at the huge response he gets whenever he posts anything about "spanking" at "Retrospace"-- I wonder what he's thinking today?

  11. The high school I attended did a production of "Kiss Me Kate" for their Spring musical. Unfortunately, this was two years before I was actually old enough to attend high school.....

  12. Oh, I'm sorry, Doc! And no one thought it was important enough to take a younger fella to the theatre to get some culture?! Bounders!!

    Well, here's hoping you can make up for that lost moment...

