Saturday, December 17, 2016

Spankin' New!

The last three years have been very hard on me, with a lot of grief, and a lot of transitions.  

I've never done a blog like Erica Scott;  my purpose here has always been recreational, therapeutic, and occasionally commercial.  I don't mind sharing personal info if anyone asks, but it hasn't been the focus.

But not to create a mystery, last week my mother died, in her home, surrounded by all four of her kids, a bunch of her grandkids, and even a great-baby-grandson.  It was very quiet, very peaceful, and certainly spared her any further sad ravages from galloping dementia.  Since my father died after a debilitating stroke over a year and a half ago, my brother and I have taken turns caring for Mom, with a qualified caregiver while we were at our weekday jobs.

My own sense of humor is largely inherited;  both nature and nurture at work there.  My folks always enjoyed my "vanilla" cartoons, including some book covers and mugs and whatnot, but. although they were not entirely cream-flavored themselves, I doubted they would fully appreciate my Nom-De-Web WolfieToons, and chose to keep all this "private."  Elsewhere in the family, my sister knows I've done "racy" cartoons, and has no desire for any further information, preferring my General Audience Stuff.  At least one of my sons knows all about my lupine art activity, but it's not really his thing.

So there you have more personal Wolfiemation than has ever been here, I think, and probably more than most folks really want to know.

The for-pay story website "Discipline & Desire" disappeared a while back.  My apologies for Links To Nowhere that show up all over this blog, but I'm sure as the moon-rise not going to go through and cut all them all out.  Wowsers, what a time-consuming and feckless task that would be!  

Anyway, I've been considering what to do with my spanking cartoons, new and old, for fun and perhaps a little profit, and have been looking at publishing them in a cheap-to-get volume.  Maybe an e-book.  Maybe both?  The devil is in the details. 

Larken wants-- very badly-- a Wolfie Cocoa Mug.  I wonder if anyone would wear a WolfieToon T-Shirt to bed?  Wouldn't that be so darn cute?!


Here is my favorite of the new cartoons, so far seen by only five, maybe six people.  I hope you enjoy it, and I'll keep you up-to-date on future developments!


  1. First off. I am so sorry for your loss very tough and I offer my prayers. Hang in there but so sorry and sympathetic to your losses. Been there

  2. I would love a catalogue of your drawings. You know I am a huge fan. Your love of spanking but more sonthe attention to the clothed and panty spanking world is so amazing.
    Love this one and what a lovely bottom. He seems determined to have her feel that belt Love her bottom. Classic Wolfie

  3. I will also add I spend hours working through your blog to see the drawings. So many classics.

    1. Thank you very much, Ron,for your empathy and kind words!
      I'm not sure how I would catalogue these! I have them by dates in my computer files!

  4. Dave:

    So sorry to hear of your loss. I lost both parents many years ago; I know healing comes with time, so hang in there. Also, I would love a book of your toons, but in printed version if possible. In the meantime, I hope the holidays mitigate the pain of your loss.



    1. Thank you, Rick, that means a lot!
      So, a vote for the printed version! We did one once before at a ridiculous cost, but I'm told it's cheaper to do now! I'll keep you up on that!

  5. My wife and I went down the long road with my Mother who had Alzheimer's. Glad your family were spared seeing the end of that road.

    Being a dinosaur, I would favor a printed version.

    1. Yes, Bogie, my sister is caring for her mother-in-law with Alzheimer's in their home. It is a little different thing than what Mom suffered, but it is all a damnable mess. My heart goes out to you and Bacall.
      And thanks for the kind words, and the Print Version vote!

  6. Dave,

    Season and I send our heartfelt condolences along with a boatload of love and hugs. Words fall far short of expressing our affection and support, and know we are fondly thinking of you, your family and especially your blessed mother.

    Wishing you, dear Dave, and all of your readers the Merriest (and spankiest) Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    Oh, please give Larken a hug and an especially ouchy Christmas swat from me.

    1. We (Larken and I) were just talking about you two the other night, wondering how you were and what you were up to!

      Thank you so much for your love and condolence--it means the world to me!

      May your Christmas be warm and bright for all kinds of reasons! Much love right back!!

  7. Wolfie -- I have known you for years, and have always known you to be a kind and compassionate person. You were a wonderful son, and you can keep that with you always. ♥ Much love to you.

    1. Thank you, Erica-- Your honesty, grace, courage, humor, and plain tenacity in the thick of outrageous fortune have always been an example for me. Bunches of love right back!

  8. It takes courage to walk the path you've been on for the last few years, DW. You are a devoted son, and a good man.

    I like the new cartoon! That's a great joke, DW. Like any of us would ever confess... LOL!

    Yes! A Wolfie Cocoa mug! It's the perfect product tie-in for a book of Wolfietoons. Just imagine sitting in front of the fire, perusing a volume of Wolfietoons, and sipping hot chocolate from a mug adorned with that Wolfie Cocoa cartoon. Not that any of us need reminding of what really warms a girl up. :-)

    Michael! It warms my heart to see a comment from you! Big hugs right back to you and Season! Hope you two are having a warm and wonderful holiday season. Er, not TOO warm. ;-)

    1. I'm very touched, sweet Larken, thank you.

      Glad you like the cartoon! Maybe I should have posted my news and it separately, they make an odd juxtaposition. But, that's kind of my life.

      (Singing a Wolfie Cocoa Song)
      O-T-K, a bright red S,
      Wolfie gives the very best

      That'll really confuse the kids what didn't grow up hearing THIS NESTLE'S QUIK JINGLE!

      And it IS good hearing from Mr, Mike and Mrs. Warm and Happy Season!

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. (((hugs))) And I think a collection of your cartoons in print form would make a great gift for my hubby. (I'd enjoy it too of course) :)

  10. Thank you very much for the heartfelt vicarious hug, Lilli!
    So far the print version is the favorite idea! Say, you don't suppose anyone would use a real book as a paddle, do ya??

    1. Oh dear. I hadn't thought of that! Probably not the best paddle, but an interesting idea anyway. lol

  11. So sorry to hear of your loss. I would buy your book, a mug and t-shirt, just tell me to place my order. Love your newest cartoon. Honesty does hurt the hiney

    1. Thank you, Blondie, you have a kind heart!

      When I get everything together, I'll be sure and tell you and everyone!

      Doesn't "Hiney Jeopardy" sound like a Bond Girl? Or, I dunno, maybe a Bondage Girl.

  12. Dave: My belated condolences on the loss of your parents. My Mum died with Alzheimer's and dementia, and it was quite terrible. Something I try to forget, and remember all the happy times, which there were so many of. I am happy you are re-starting this blog, and wish you the best of good health, fortune, and adventure in the New Year
    bototms up

    1. Thank you, Red, for your compassionate words, and they mean even more because of your own pain and loss. It is a good thing when the happy memories and love left behind edge out the worst of the grief! May your new year have lots of joy.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this wolfie it's so hard to lose anyone especially around Christmas. I'm sure she is still watching over you. I really do believe we will see our loved ones again someday, and they will be waiting for us when it's our turn to go.

    Sending you BIG hugs


    1. Thank you for the love, Ms J. I remember when you lost your mother, and your kind thoughts and words mean a lot!

    2. I haven't lost my mother wolfie but I can imagine how painful that is. I did lose my best friend around Christmas 2014 though and still think of her everyday and miss her so much. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and hope you have people around you in this very sad time. take care of yourself


    3. Oh! Good grief, LMN, I'm sorry, I mis-remembered that! I am sorry, though, for the loss of your friend and really am touched by your understanding compassion. Yes, I have fine family and friends who are a great comfort.

  14. First I have to say how sorry I am to hear about your mom and that it took me so long to reply here. I finally got a new computer and getting some time after the holidays to catch up. By now you are probably clearing some of your mom's stuff out of the house. I remember how troubling that was for me. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Although I would love to see your cartoons in print realistically I have to say an e-book would work better for me. I love your cartoons; you always show love and playfulness in them.

  15. Oh, and it was nice to see Michael's comment up there. Haven't heard from him in a dog's age.

    1. Your support and love have been constant as a rock, Kaki. Tonight I found the cards from the flowers you and Larken sent for Dad's funeral. And it means the world to me.

      Yes, clearing out the house has been a mixed bag. My siblings, with spouses and one young son, did most of it together on New Year's! The most important treasures have been distributed.

      So, meanwhile, back at the raunch (never met a pun I didn't like), my current thought is to try to get out both a print and an e-book version! That's my intent, anyway.

      Thanks for the remarks on the WolfieToons, and yes, sexy fun has always been my intent with them. Meanness and misogyny have no place here.

      And, yea, verily!! I hope Mike and Season do keep peeking in sometimes, and that we hear more from them!!
