Saturday, January 28, 2017

Comics Context!

So did you have a look at SPK Comics yet?  It's one of the very best collections of comic strip spankings
I've ever seen on the Web-- and it's free!! 

There are rare and wonderful things on display there, and you can at last see the full context of individual panels that have been floating around the internet for a long time!  For instance, there's this cartoon--

which I defiled thus--

and thus--

but I never knew from whence it came, and really wanted to!

And Lo!  It came to pass, thanks to SPK Comics!

I knew this L'l Abner drawing from Al Capp 

was based on an early episode in the comic strip


and had been done for a magazine-- but I hadn't seen the magazine page until now!  Behold!  From LIFE, January 1957!!

Speaking of Li'l Abner, I bet you've seen this:

And here's what was going on!

Years ago, the Spirit had this on his website and in various Yahoo Groups:

And here's its cotext!  It is a less than pristine microfilm copy-- but SPK Comics gets creidit for scouring it out at all!  

Here's another:  

You can see a much bigger version at SPK Comics!  Things are nicely organized over there, too, with indexes and categories!

So click on over and enjoy!


  1. You mean there's a REASON all those women are getting spanked?! Who knew? LOL! Nice reveal, er, editing, er, coloring job on that first cartoon, DW. ;-)

    1. Thanks very much, LL! I don't always stick my paws into other cartoonists' cartoons, but when I do, it's to fix their butts. :-D

  2. Love it. Amazing what you do. I of course love the panty one. I remember that article.

    So fun and thanks for your work and tip

    1. By the way I love Blondie related spankings. Just love them

    2. You do remember that article, Ron? Wowsers! Do yo recall when it happened? There's no date on my copy. And, y'know, I live in a little college town~!

      Anyway, thanks! You'll find lots of strip spankings at SPK Comics, including ones from "Blondie!"

  3. Not sure honestly I was younger. I saw it in one of the "drug stores" in my little town that we were not suppose to go in....the word spankings grabbed me.
