Saturday, July 21, 2018

Staying Top-ical

ComicCon is going great guns this weekend, so it would be remiss of me to miss this opportunity!  Behold:

Oh, and if you can tell Who the M.C. is supposed to be a caricature of, you win Triple Wolfie Points!  (It's not a good 'nuff caricature, I'll be surprised if anyone can see it, even with my slight hint!!)


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, sorry, Harry, but no-- you're six Doctors too late! :-D

    2. Clearly not a good 'nuff caricature, then! :-)

  2. Question for you. Is there a direct way to contact you?

    1. See if the Commissioner will light the Wolfie Signal. Failing that, anyone can write dwolfeman 2002 @ yahoo. Dot com.

  3. Incredible bottom. Thanks

    Also now that I have caught up and fun doing that sorry for being absent for so long just life getting in the way. Most appreciate all your work.

    1. Never worry, Ron! I always appreciate the appreciation, but it would be an endless job to trying to remark on everything on the Web now! Ain't nobody got wherewithal for that! :-D I'm glad you enjoyed 'em all!!

  4. Having won 100 no dollars previously when I found out you were a Vulnavia Fan from the Dr. Phibes Movies, I again submit that the MC is none other than the legendary Bob Barker and your slight hint was with the contestants - (Carol and Lewis) or should I say CAROL LEWIS who was one of Barker's Beauties. Yes/No???

    1. Wowsers! That's actually a lot better than what I had, Blilen! :-D

      I'd forgotten Carol was a BB-- I only saw "The Price Is Correct" now and again! With the names around the other way, and correcting the spelling, of course, it makes Lewis Carroll, the Oxford Math Don and photographer who went hunting for the Snark.

      And since my woe-begotten caricature in the Godzilla suit looks as much like Bob Barker as Tom Baker, or for that matter, Snagglepus, you get Full Credit and applause!
