Saturday, September 22, 2018

Great Scott!!

Hey, there, long time no see!  I've been otherwise occupied, part of which I'll tell you about in a bit.

But first!!

Did you know that Erica Scott, after a bit of a break, is back blogging again?  

Come to think of it, you probably did, because she started it up again in the middle of July.  But I'm just catching up.

And did you know that today (Saturday Sept 22) is Erica's birthday?!  

Well, 'tis!

And how many birthday swats will that make?  One doesn't ask, if one has any sort of breeding, so we'll just keep going until she says "stop."  

And since that might be a while, we'll post a shift sign-up sheet.  

No shoving in line.

Happiest of birthdays, best of all Ericas, with bestest of love!!


  1. Have a Great Day, but my spankings your bottom would be bare always, the proper way to give a spanking, don't you agree?

    1. Well, you definitely should slap some name on here! The well-wished greeting for Erica would mean more.

  2. Birthdays must be pretty spanktacular when you're a spanking model. Nice photos, especially the sixth one down. Now that's a spanking face!

    1. Indeed yes, Q! Thanks for responding, I'm glad you enjoyed these!

  3. She is so cute and sassy too.
