Saturday, June 8, 2019

And Now For Something Completely Subversive

  Found "Circus Antics" in my files.  

It's probably the weirdest WolfieToon you've ever seen, or are likely to.

Is it funny?  Possibly.  Is it erotic?  Unlikely.  What it is, though, is a nose-thumbing.

I decided to tell as much of its story as I remember.

The Web Hosts (whoever they were) of "Discipline & Desire" had decided in 2010 that our content needed policing.  Why, Zeus knows.  Maybe they thought a site devoted to erotic spanking was... troublesome.  I suspect that Money-- or the lack of a lot of it being made for them-- was the cause. They were hosting other "adult" sites, all of which were a lot more explicit than "D&D", and also a lot more profitable.

So for whatever reason, the Owner-Editor, the Authors, and the Cartoonist were given a list of restrictions, and, like nearly all censoring efforts, that list and its enforcement were completely arbitrary and inconsistent.  The stories began to be "overseen" by a rudimentary scanning robot that couldn't take any context into account.  

For example, the authors could have their characters swear, but not use evocative, volatile terms like "murder," and "kill."  So, "Aw, f*ck this sh*t" was perfectly acceptable, but, "Wow, this hike is murder!  My feet are killing me!" set off loud alarms, chucked the story, and got the author banished.

The Mild-Mannered Cartoonist, who chose never to show explicit things anyway, was forbidden from employing any sort of nudity, and a list of other unnecessary and prudish restrictions.

Therefore I decided that my next published cartoon would proudly feature-- its characters' denials notwithstanding-- Violent Monkey-Spanking.

Or, since it is literally a monkey spanking a human-- Implied Bestiality.

That just might be a female monkey, too, so, Implied Lesbian Bestiality.

She certainly has erect nipples!

She's also flipping off the censors with her back foot.  

The Ringmistress Spankee has a fine display  of Décolletage, that is, Cleavage, which might also look like a bare butt.

Her moans are almost orgasmic.

In the background, there's some clown honking his own pink horn to relieve the blue balls.

To the right is another clown in erect phallic form and color, who is also pretty close to an offensive cartoon racial stereotype.

Further to the right is another nearly offensive cartoon racial stereotype, wielding a phallic-shaped and (Caucasian) colored net, while casting a shadow in the form of a vulva.

Seems to me there were other things hidden in the shapes and shadows and colors, but they must have been so subtle that even I've forgotten them now.  Probably the brown ground is a scatological reference to what I thought of the new "purity laws" for an adult-oriented website whose contributors were classy and talented people.

I didn't explain any of that to the Owner-Editor, who thought this cartoon was a little strange, but published it anyway, not knowing she was aiding my slightly subversive protest.

And now you know...

the Rest...

of the Story.


  1. Great story Dave...and great way to strike back at uncontrolled censorship. As for the cartoon it certainly is up there with the weirdest Spanking toons I've ever seen but still funny.

    1. Thank you, Glen'! Glad you got a chuckle from this li'l oddball! I don't remember any feedback from that particular cartoon originally; it was probably a puzzlement!

  2. Amazing story Dave, and I can see you had wonderful fun putting all those suggestive ideas into one piece of spanking art. I love it, but had to go back and see many of the items as you said what it represented. Extremely well Done.
    Tumblr re-instated my tumblr, but flagged maybe one out of every seven spanking photos. If I try to post a spanking photo or gif, it flags it shortly thereafter. However, any re-post, is permitted, so now nudity, sex between various combinations of partners, or any position imaginable is permitted, plus re-posts of spanking from other sites. Go figure that one out.
    I will try posting this piece of art with your permission, and see if they allow it.
    bottoms up

  3. WTF, Wolfie? LOL

    I'm glad you explained. I think the joke would have been better if the Ringmistress had been spanking the monkey, but that wouldn't have been so cute.

    Carl T.

    1. No, Carl, it wouldn't have. Maybe if it was Zira from "Planet of the Apes."
