That is "McWINTOCK!" starring Elmer Fudd and Betty Boop, a brilliant cartoon from the creator of O.T. Katie, hugobOOm, or bOOm for short! (Feb 1st Edit: To see the animated version, just left click on the pic! I didn't know it would work that way (head slap!) so a HUGE thank you to Devlin O'Neill!) This cartoon first showed up at "Arild's Moviespanking Yahoo Group," which I wrote about here!
Phil "Overbarrel" discovered that he had TONS of files saved from Arild's, and shared them! He's always been one fine helluva guy!! He also told me I got the name of the furshlugginer group wrong! I was pretty sure "Cartoon Spanking" was the name, but Springrose agreed with Phil, and one shouldn't argue with a woman's memory!
Anyway, I've discovered, to my delight, that lots of people now, beginners as well as those who've been at it a while, love sharing their spanking artwork! Two of the best places to see that are AnimeOTK, and the collections at Deviantart, which, oddly enough, isn't only for us deviants!
But Arild's group was the first place I found, LO! so many years ago, and it was bOOm who came up with the idea of all the artists combining their work for Arild's "Spankadamy Awards!"
Here's bOOm's O.T. Katie taking the stage (supplied by the Poser art of Angus Old!) until my first avatar interrupts!
Then the Hostess meets "Dick Darthedly," courtesy of Angus Old and Darth!
I mentioned Darth's pencil art last time, but didn't have any to share! Well, thanks to Phil, we have some now!
And here's some more art from Dan Rivera: his Private Eye, "Sam Swat!"
And a comic caricature he did of our host, Arild, and Dan's character, "Spanky Sal!"
Evidently, bOOm is still creating clever O.T. Katie cartoons! There's a link to his work at the The Chicago Spanking Review, on a page featuring the "Blondie" pastiche that he did! Way to go, bOOm!!