WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tricks And Treats!

 I hope you don't mind all these seasonal reruns--  I've been a bit busy in Regular Life!  Maybe there's someone peeking in for whom these are new and titillating!

Meanwhile, I hope you get your favorite candy and have happy endings!  Maybe like:

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Halloween Characters!

I'm an ardent admirer of cartoonists Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Marie Severin, Tom Richmond, Angelo Torres, and other names most folks don't know but that have or had truly remarkable skill at humorous caricatures.

I don't!  But, from time to time, I've tried my paws at it, and the results have been mixed.  

So, just for the Halloween of it, here are some seasonal attempts!

And if you care to guess at any of these, I'll be delighted, and may just decide to come back anyway and interrupt!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

All Hallows Eve Anticipation!

 Halloween is such a great holiday because it's ALL about Fun and Frolic!  

There's the Masquerade! 

And the candy!

For some, Halloween is a license to indulge their mischievous impulses and to enjoy the consequences!

And, of course, it's a time to enjoy the tingles from spooky stuff!

Even More To Come!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Stage And Scream!

You know that great musical play, "Show Buns!"

That's the one with the moving song,

That Old Man's Slipper!
That Old Man's Slipper!
He just tans rumps an'
Don't stop fer nuthin'!
He makes 'em swollen,
He makes 'em swollen, Ka-Pong!

There have always been lots of great stage spankings!  

In fact, Harry talks about 'em, and even has pictures from 'em frequently over at Vanilla Spanking!

And in WolfieLand, we've had some like these:

Exit, Stage Right!!

Sunday, August 20, 2023


 I've been hearing a lot about A.I., and rather than any thoughtful contemplation, it reminded me of the various Robot Spanking WolfieToons I've done.

Here's one that's never been up here before:

And some reruns:

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Coy Cover-Up

 If  Harry will forgive my use of his blog title, have you noticed how often, in Vanilla Spanking pictures, they use of that hand-to-mouth gesture

that says, "Oh, My!"

"Oh, how embarrassing!"

"Oops, we've been caught!"

In fact, it's done so often that I began to find it a mildly annoying cliché, like that "thumbs-up" gesture.  Only bottoms up.

  I think I've only used something like in once in a WolfieToon, to underscore MS Spankee's insincere remorse:

But I think it's really a way of the subject trying to recover her dignity by saying, "Isn't this darn silly?!"

Well, OF COURSE it's darn silly!  And fun.

Just about ALL sex is darn silly.  And fun.

So if you or someone over your lap wants to make that gasping gesture to share with us more public spanking photos, I say-- go for it!  

And thanks!