The third week of September brings Erica Scott's birthday! She and John and a lot of others had gone to the Shadow Lane Party in Las Vegas earlier, and you can read all about it here! It inspired this cartoon:
Now, I did have a Particular Person in mind when I drew that Spanker, but it's an unsuccessful caricature, so let's just say he's your Generic Las Vegas Spanking Performer, eh, what?
Hey. speaking of spanking in cartoons, let me share a website with ya-- one that's new to me,and that I've really enjoyed perusing!
Ya wanna see Buzz Sawyer, Popeye, the Phantom, Superman, Roy Rogers, Husbands and Lovers and a whole buncha others tip deserving ladies over their knees and spank their cute and curvy brush-drawn bottoms?
Have you seen single panels from newspaper comic strips of old around the web and wondered what was the goldang context?
Well, click these blue letters and head on over to SPK Comics!
Now the force behind this fun page includes all sorts of spankings, even the ones intended to be funny but not really erotic. However, you might enjoy the nostalgia, remembering the Sunday mornings a long time ago, sprawled out on the floor with the funny pages, and having something click in your brain when seeing Little Iodine getting her pantaloons pummeled again. And again.
But there are lots of things in the collection, like this:

So, enjoy the view!