WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe
Showing posts with label Halloween spanking cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween spanking cartoons. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Frankly, My Dear

Frankenstein is probably my favorite feature creature.  

Or, if you haveta go all "The Big Bang Theory" Sheldon, yes, properly, it's "The Frankenstein Monster."

There have been many, many attempts in the last eight decades to reconceive the Monster, but director James Whale, star Boris Karloff, and make-up maestro Jack Pierce set forever how everyone envisions him in the 1931 movie from Universal Pictures.. 

If you've never seen the first two movies, especially "The Bride of Frankenstein," you're in for a treat when you do.

You probably have seen these:  

(Those are still a couple of my personal favorites!)

And here are my last two takes on the Universal Frankenstein*-- Enjoy!

(*I don't know if that means, "the final ones I'll do," or "the latest ones I did."  Time will tell, time will tell.)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Things That Go Spank In the Night

I admire those of you who have the DISCIPLINE & DESIRE (Har!) to keep up your Blogtivity!  There is a lot of older stuff to scroll through here at the WoofieBlog, but "real life," gainful employment, and other distractions have made new entries precious and few.  Sorry about that!  However, here is some Halloween Fun!!

During a conversation with Larken, it occurred to me that that, oddly enough, there aren't enough Werewolves in Halloween WolfieToons!  And then she wrote one on the spot!  It's this week's 'toon!

The new "free page" at "D&D" is still baking, so here is your "preview!"

How about a couple of early drafts for the five-year-old Halloween greeting you must've seen around the web?

I got that far in the inking and thought, "Nah, somethings's not quite right.  Let's try again."  And thus--  

That one's actually worse!  It's all skewed to one side like I was trying to draw it lying down!

Well, back to the proverbial drawing board--

Yeah, that's the ticket!  It eventually became this:

By the way, if you've never seen the 1931 "Frankenstein," you have a treat in store!  Here's the creation scene, which, to my mind, has never topped in all the other versions. 

Y'know, several of the Universal Movie Monsters have wandered into WolfieToons, like this guy:

Say, didja know the Gill Man was designed by a woman named Millicent Patrick?  

She was a commercial artist, illustrator of children's books, fashion designer and actress. ("Actor," say the P.C. moderns.)  Her Universal boss. makeup department head Bud Westmore, initially took credit for the Creature because, well, because he was a putz.

Anyway, Gill had a great time on the set.

Here's a monster movie poster with no monster on it!  How did they expect to lure all the monster-loving teenage boys and teenage-hearted men into the theater?! 

That's Julie Adams in a wonderful white one-piece suit.

Here's Julie in short shorts.  

What was I talking about?  Who cares?

"Oh, no, no, don't spank me again!!"

And now, here is some vampire spanking.

OK, this next one isn't really spanking.

Peter Cushing played vampire-slayer Van Helsing in the Hammer movies of the 60's, but in 1974, he played an actor who played Dracula in a deservedly obscure French movie with the English title 'Tender Dracula."  The lovely young woman who got her (unseen in this scene) bare bottom smacked was named Miou Miou, not to be confused with the catfood song. 

I couldn't make heads or tails of exactly why Peter spanked Miou-Miou.  Mr. Cushing was always good, but this movie is not.  However, if morbid curiosity compels you, you can find it on YouTube.  The spanking is toward the end.  So to speak. 

Well, have fun this All Hallow's Eve, and I hope Sandy Claws brings you lots of candy and paddles!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Greetings!

This is Wolfie's Halloween Costume by Larken, who says, "Wolves play dress up more than anybody I know.!"

Isn't that great?  Thanks, lovely Larken!!  And now...

Just some fun for the Howl-a-day...

And all my sympathy and best wishes for storm recovery for you on the northeast coast!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Monster Rises Again!

Here is my latest version of the Frankenstein Monster (1935 model), appearing in this week's WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"

And here are my previous four attempts.  I've never looked at them all together like this.  

And here are the five spanked bottoms that go with those monstrous faces.  It's no big challenge, I bet you know which goes to which. 

Out of curiosity, I looked to see if anyone else has done Frankenspanken cartoons;  I remember that Endart did Herman and Lily Munster once, but I can't find a copy of that just now. 

Nik Zula did THIS ONE featured at Chicago Spanking Review.

And that-- surprisingly!-- seems to be it.

Unless you know better!

Here's a bonus, a couple of clips in case you've never seen the original movies from Universal and director James Whale, or especially if you have.

This is the scene from the first movie, 1931, in which Frankenstein exposes his creation to daylight for the first time:

And in 1935's "The Bride of Frankenstein," the Monster, on the run, encounters the peculiar Dr. Pretorius in the crypt, celebrating his "new world of gods and monsters!" 


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Disciplining the Brides

This is one of the first Halloween WolfieToons I did for "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"

By the way, if you've never ever seen Bela Lugosi in the original "Dracula," here's a clip with co-star Dwight Frye for your entertainment and cultural enrichment: