WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

National Bikini Day!!

Well, I'm ruining behinds, er, that is, running behind-- July 5th was, according to the Wacky Events Calendar, National Bikini Day!  👀

Don't know who decided that, but many blessings upon their heads and tails!!

So, here are some Beautiful Beach Bunnies and Bathing Suit Babes who are getting their lovely fannies tanned, or are about to be spanked, have just been paddled, or really oughta be!

(Apologies to Mort and Dik, I added a detail not in their original strip!)

Stay in the swim (suit)!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Bears Investigating!

 When I did this piece of whimsy for "Discipline & Desire" in 2011, I thought it was uniquely quirky!

Then in October of 2014, NBC put up this station break card when Sarah Silverman hosted SNL!

Now that could be coincidence;  it could be that Sarah's a WolfieToon fan; or it could be there is something else going on!

'Cause, look at all this!!

Did the book "The Lonely Doll" reveal their predilection to these women in their kidhood, and is therefore still a powerful trigger today? 

They must all relish the idea of someone big, strong, furry, and very cuddly taking them over his lap!

Does it have a name, like, "The Goldilocks Syndrome?"

Maye it's just Fun and Funny!!

So-- if YOU go into the woods today, you're in for a BIG surprise!!