WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Post Holiday Stress Relief!

Hiya, gang!

To help you find your peace again, to soothe and calm those jangled nerves, I give you a topical and therapeutic Wolfie Coloring Page!  

You can pop it into whatever graphics program you have, or maybe even better, you can print it out to apply colored pencils, crayons. pens, paints, markers, glue and glitter, or various flavors of Jell-O Pudding!  

Be creative and enjoy yourself!!

And also-- Winter Is Back!!  At least where I live! It's FREAKIN' COLD again! 
 And that means---  Wolfie Cocoa!!


  1. These are great! It's cold here too! Brrr!!! Maybe I just need some Wolfie Cocoa or a trip to Wolfie Jim's Gym! ;)

    1. Thank you, Lilli! I think some restorative Wolfie Cocoa after a Wolfie Jim Workout is a great idea, myself!

  2. Great ideas: The first makes going to the gym much more enjoyable, and the second makes a walk outdoors very worthwhile
    bottoms up

    1. Sure 'nuff, Red, the idea is to get that heartbeat up and the blood circulating!! Thanks, amigo!

  3. Hey Dave

    Two great ones thanks. Love the bottoms but wow what a lovely bum o the first one. So cool. Yes cold here in NJ today with a touch of snow so the second one is most appropriate hot today. Love the red tint on hr bottom.

    Thanks. Much peace


    1. Thanks again very much, Ron! I always bear in mind quotes from artists of renown:

      Pierre-Auguste-Renoir said, "When I have painted a woman's bottom so that I want to touch it, then (the painting) is finished."

      There is another-- I THOUGHT it was Frank Frazetta, but I can't verify it-- but anyway, whoever it was said, "It's hard to explain the fascination. On the canvas, it's really just two spheres interacting, but I love it. I could draw bottoms all day!"

      There was an old song that lots of people did, from Bing Crosby to the Platters about sails, but I always sang it, "Red Tails In The Sunset!"

      Stay warm up there!!

  4. You never cease to amaze those are incredible quotes. Wow thanks for sharing.
    It is like 10 today!
