WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, December 5, 2020

When You Go Into The Shops Today--

 --You'd Better Go In Disguise!

Or, with your mask on, anyway!

And whether you're just browsing for ideas, or doing actual, timely Holiday Shopping, you ought to see if your favorite outlet carries this delightful item:

And look for those fun stocking-stuffers, too!

Maybe "stocking stuffers" is not the right term for those toys?

Oh, yeah, "Pervertables," that's it!


  1. It's interesting to see that in both cases it is the ladies who are in charge of the purchases....even though it will be used on their bottom!
    I don't mind going to kitchen stores with my wife , but guess what I am browsing ....so many items have spanking potential.....and Don't forget that extra soft pillow at the bedding store !

    1. Ha! Very good, Glen', the pillow is an excellent suggestion!
      And, yes, I've always thought, whatever the script, it's really the recipient calling the shots!

  2. it would definitely increase sales if one could try out the spanking implement before purchasing. Witha different take on the second artwork, She could be deciding which to cook with, and also which would be best for heating her husband's bottom.
    fun art and captions
    bottoms up

    1. Thanks, red! Yeah, except for the store's shelf label, that wouldn't be a very obvious WolfieToon to those with a different mindset than ours!

  3. I also notice that in both pics the ladies have chosen leggings the same colour as their spanked bottoms !
    Almost missed that one Dave !

    1. I'm sure I did that on purpose when originally coloring these cartoons, Glen', but even I didn't consciously think of it this time! I guess it would become more obvious later, eh?

  4. Hi Dave! I’m always looking! I love your pics. That second one is what I’d be doing! And with the first I often make suggestions if something doesn’t feel right! Lol
    Love how the leggings in the second match the oven mitt color!

    1. Thanks, Minielle! Yes, I've heard wonderful tales from you shopping spankees! Sometimes I've wondered where you all were in my pre-internet youth! Imagine how many Like Souls we must've passed all the time and nobody knew!

  5. I love the idea of a shop where you get to try implements before you buy... probably blame Eric Stanton for that :D

    1. Thanks, 'Buzz! Y'know, it wasn't long ago that I found out Eric shared a Manhattan studio for ten years with his art-school buddy Steve Ditko of "Spider-Man" fame!

      I've read that they'd even help each other, mostly with inking, to meet deadlines! Apparently Ditko denied doing anything on Stanton's work later, but I clearly see Ditko influences on a lot of Stanton stuff. In fact, I ran across a female-female spanking panel that I can't find again right now to link! Maybe you'll have better luck with a web-search.

      (HA! Ditko! Web! That's, I say, that's a JOKE, son!)

  6. My special friend won't even go into the men's department with me anymore, because she knows I'll head straight for the belts, which are, by definition, I suppose, pervertables. ;-) Love the pillow, btw. :-)

    Devlin O'Neill

    1. Hi, Dev! Sorry Blogger made you use the "any mouse" button!

      So, your special friend makes herself wait and guess while you choose new items from the Men's Department? How can she stand the suspenders?

      (Pause for "Oy" noises)

      I'd forgotten I'd included the pillow in the supplies for sale! That might also seem odd to those not in the know!

      Thanks, Amigo!

  7. Loving the "kitchen AND BEDROOM" signage :) Happy Christmas Shopping!

    1. Thanks, Fondles! Yes, that sign might confuse some people!
