"WolfieToons" are for adults who enjoy playful erotic spanking cartoons; If that isn't you, best keep surfing. And if you are under eighteen-- Scram, Kid!
WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Thursday, December 29, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Here We Come A-Caroling
This afternoon the guy on the Classical Music Station said "Carols are dance music."
I never knew that! But, look:
"The word carol is derived from the Old French word carole, a circle dance accompanied by singers (in turn derived from the Latin choraula). Carols were very popular as dance songs from the 1150s to the 1350s, after which their use expanded as processional songs sung during festivals, while others were written to accompany religious Mystery-plays (such as the "Coventry Carol," written before 1534)."
--William J. Phillips, Carols: Their Origin, Music, and Connection with Mystery-Plays (Routledge, 1921, Read Books, 2008) p.24
Didn't know you were gonna pick up some esoteric knowledge just looking for cute li' cartoon butts, didja?
I bet this Carol will be doing a little dance herself:
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Just Hop OVER Santa's Lap!
You'd better watch out!
You'd better not pout!
You'd better not brat in the myriad ways you know to get your dear little fanny warmed, because Father Christmas is abroad!
Actually, he's always been a guy, but I digress.
We've visited the phenomenon of the appeal of Santa Spankings before HERE and THERE, but it continues to fascinate!
(I've been fascinated: COVID, Flu, Tetanus, all of that!)
Anyway, it's interesting and arousing to see that Youngsters these days who may have never experienced an actual parental spanking find comfort and joy climbing over the Old Guy's knees, or at least thinking about it!
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Dick Van Dyke, Some Kind of a Nut, and Rosemary's Bottom!
One of my heroes turned NINETY-SEVEN this week, the wonderful and multi-talented Dick Van Dyke!
Naturally, I grew up loving his myriad television and movie appearances. As a matter of fact, when I played one of the trolls in a high school production of "The Hobbit" in 1974 (I was also Gollum and Smaug the dragon) I did a bad copy of Mr. Van Dyke's bad Cockney accent. Truthfully, I didn't know it was bad then.
A brief summary: this picture, written and directed by Garson Kanin, is a satire about conformity. When Van Dyke's character can't shave after a bee stings his chin while he's fooling around in the park with his lover, he grows a beard, contrary to the strict and straight-laced rules of his bank employer. He refuses to shave it off, is branded a rebel and fired, starting a groundswell of support and protest from his fellow employees.
Honestly, I pretty much lost interest in the flick after the initial scene, which is Old Time Burlesque, Sexy Silent Movie Comedy stuff with literal slapstick!!
Dick and his lover, the beautiful and enticing Rosemary Forsyth, try unsuccessfully to fight off the bee, rolling and falling over each other, him reaching up her skirt to try to catch it (the bee) (yeah, right), soundly slapping her fanny a couple of times, and, at the climax of this ruckus, which has attracted the attention of everyone in the park, including the cops, Rosemary has wound up draped over Dick, her skirt well up, and her pretty, round bottom in yellow panties (great shades of Tinker Bell!) in fine position for a good spanking!
Naturally, I was rather disappointed that there actually wasn't a real spanking, beyond the two gee-I-missed-the bee smacks, but that was part of the flick's intended humor.
So Hurrah for such fare, and for the amazing Dick Van Dyke and all he's given us!