Thursday, September 22, was the birthday of my lovely friend and one of the most remarkable raconteurs in the world, the one, the only-- Erica Scott!!
Fellow Pluviophile!!
My near-crippling day job and other pressing art commitments prevented me doing a new cartoon for her birthday this time around, so I'll show some previous ones here!
In case you think, "Wolfie, you're late even for that!", I'll tell you that in my family there is an unofficial tradition of Birthday Week, in which celebratory shenanigans and all appropriate considerations are given three days before and three days after, as well as the actual birthdate!
So-- Behold!
Starting with a Wolfieoon in which-- Gasperoonies!!-- there is no Actual Spankage!!
Butt, of course, that can't last!
Neither can many implements!
My, how these things get around!!
Speaking of traveling:

"Say, lookit John, willya?"
Anyhootenanny, I'm glad you're COVID Negative now, and feeling better, Erica, and may any delayed joy and enjoyment be all the sweeter for it!