WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Once upon a time, with urging from my dear friend Larken, I created three "Pinterest" boards. The first had a bunch of of WolfieToons; the second, WolfieToons that parodied cartoon characters not my own; and the third contained spanking cartoons from around the Web not by Wolfie.

What tickled and pleased me was how many different women would "pin" WolfieToons among their other boards featuring recipes, yarn-work, gardening, mother/family activities, Bible quotes, and the like. Sex, Humor, and Humorous Sex seemed a natural part of their lives!

Until this cartoon!  Evidently it horribly offended someone, who made a report to the Pinterest People, who deleted Wolfie Board #1 for not meeting Proper Pinterest Standards.  Of course, the other two boards, with the very same sort of content, went untouched. 

 So I rebuilt Board #1, with everything except the cartoon below.  All three boards stayed up a good while longer, and then the Particular Pinterest People nuked them all.  Meanwhile, actual Close Up Genitalia Porn thrives in corners of Pinterest.

 I wonder if some of my cartoons are still pinned in parts of Pinterest?

Well, anyway, take a deep breath, because here is the

 WolfieToon Beyond the Pinterest Pale!!!


And this one, well, this one really doesn't make sense.  Probably done late night under deadline pressure.  It's just... wacky.  Or maybe, "whacky."

And, just for grins...



  1. Hi! Dave, I thought those toons where quite tame, some people have no sense of humour and should mind their own business. Bye for now, Aussie Jenny.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I've always made my cartoons in good taste, for spanking cartoons, and tried to infuse them with some humor beyond "she's getting her bottom smacked!", as appealing as that is.

  2. Hi Dave
    I assume the toon with the bare bottom vs pantied bottom was just too much for the prudes who complained.
    It's too bad because there were obviously a lot of people out there who enjoyed it enough to pin it.
    It seems the reins are tightening on freedom of expression for artists these days.
    Keep the faith!

    1. I appreciate it, Glen'! I've always thought that was the 'toon that tipped the scale for somebody, or some robot, because things seemed to be fine before that. And I don't know if the objection was the idea that her dress seat was blasted away by intense spanking, or that a bare hiney was on display, they just didn't like the idea of women getting spanked (consensually) in the first place, or that the cartoons suggested humans like sex. Some of the powers-that-are have a wonky obsession with sex, anyway, censoring any allusions to it while permitting and even encouraging violence, gunplay, and true human ugliness.

  3. I am so not offended. I love drawings of women getting consensual spankings! Thank you for sharing your creations.

    1. Thank you, Bonnie! I'm glad you enjoy my 'toons, and appreciate your popping in to say so! I wondered if someone thought that cartoon, with him literally wearing out her dress seat, showed a non-consensual spanking, and that's why they got their knickers in a knot?
