'Tis the season to play Dress-Up! Not that that's unique around here...
By the way, How do you catch a Unique Bunny?
Unique up on her!!
And how do you catch a Tame Bunny?
Tame way, unique up on her!!
Bettie Page made a cute li'l kitty, don'tcha think?
Wolves and Kitties make a fine combination!
(I can't quite make out who the sculptor is, but HERE'S MORE!)
There are a lot of original Couples Costumes;
and some choose to go a more traditional route.
With or without the white cotton panties.
(You do know you can click and see these pictures bigger, right??)
When I was a kid, we all wanted to be Astronauts. Or to get into Space, anyway.
"Which space?"
I knew you were gonna say that.
Y'know, oddly enough, I can't find a "Star Trek costume spanking!"
You'd think those mini-togas were just BEGGING for it. Well, here's something close from one of the comic book adaptations. Those Scots!!
Anyway, I hope those gave you some Inspiration.
Now all you need to do is find a nice little costume shop!!
Oh, and here's a link to an older blog entry about