It's a well known fact that chickens like corn. Which is why so many flock around here. It's a flocked-up blog.
And by sheer happenstance, one of those cocks, making an appearance in the new WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" this week, bears a slight resemblance to an advertising icon for a breakfast food corn product,
which provoked this response from Larken!
Hiya, WolfeMan! How's Trix?
I love this toon!
I'd much rather be woken up with Sugar Smacks on my rear than a crow in my ear!
OK, maybe a whappity whap... Look at her smiling...
Corn Flakes can wait.
On second thought, maybe I'd rather be seduced by someone's Lucky Charms
and have something toasted...
Just for Kix. He'd say, "Honey Comb here for some Wackies,
and then some of Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize."
And Post Toasties we'd be all Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs. 
And I don't want any of that Vanilla Crunch!
Isn't it interesting that Vanilla Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize comes with puzzle cards,
but non-vanilla, er, Chocolate, comes with a ruler?! 
Very clever toon, I LIKE it! And, gees, I know there's a Cock-A-Doodle Something joke in there somewhere... I'm sure you'll find it sooner or later...
Cheerio, DW!!
Cheerio, DW!!
Quite a review, huh?! Bet she was feeling her oats!! Thanks, Larken, you're a doll!
Say, if you've already read your cereal box, check out the free chapters of these "D&D" stories: the start of "NETWORKED" by Belle, and the start of Nattie Jone's e-book, "Spanked With Care: A Sanders Spanking Center Book!" But be careful, I disclaim any responsibility for choking involving cereal or chickens.