WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe
Showing posts with label cute cartoon bottoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cute cartoon bottoms. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2022

Comic-Con Cartoons!

 So, this weekend they're again having Comic-Con International in San Diego!

And, yes, it will feature, among a myriad of things, some spectacular Cosplay!  Maybe even...

As you might surmise, I've loved comics and cartooning and all that all my life!  

As Larken wrote once:

(Drumroll, exciting music!!) 

Faster than a speeding deadline!

More powerful than an ulterior motive!

Able to draw Tall Blondes with bottoms round!

"LOOK!  Look at that GUY!

It's a NERD!


No!  It's-- SuperToonMan!!" 

Yes, it's SuperToonMan, strange visitor from Pulp Fiction who came to Cyberland with powers and abilities far beyond those of Mortal Toons!

SuperToonMan, who can change the course of mighty Imps, bend pencil lines in his bare hands, and who, disguised as Dave Wolfe, mild-mannered cartoonist for a great metropolitan blog, fights a never-ending battle for Truth (as he sees it), Justice (for Imps), and the Spanko-American way!!

You've probably seen a bunch of the comic art pastiches I've done-- except this one:

And, yes, there were these:

But, WAIT!


Is YET to COME!!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Bears Investigating!

 When I did this piece of whimsy for "Discipline & Desire" in 2011, I thought it was uniquely quirky!

Then in October of 2014, NBC put up this station break card when Sarah Silverman hosted SNL!

Now that could be coincidence;  it could be that Sarah's a WolfieToon fan; or it could be there is something else going on!

'Cause, look at all this!!

Did the book "The Lonely Doll" reveal their predilection to these women in their kidhood, and is therefore still a powerful trigger today? 

They must all relish the idea of someone big, strong, furry, and very cuddly taking them over his lap!

Does it have a name, like, "The Goldilocks Syndrome?"

Maye it's just Fun and Funny!!

So-- if YOU go into the woods today, you're in for a BIG surprise!!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

From the Phil Philes!!

 Today is Phil "Overbarrel's" birthday!  He is one of the most exceptional men I've ever met.  And we did that when the Web was new, at a Yahoo Group called "Arild's Moviespanking Group."  Phil always said that was an odd name for it, because movies per se were almost never discussed!  

What we did, though, was to share our creative efforts, and find out that having an acute interest in erotic spanking did not mean you were a candidate for prison and/or the Psych Ward.  Because, you know, there had been times and people in my life before that made me seriously question that!  

So to know people like Phil-- intelligent, decent, caring, funny, upstanding men who honored their mothers, wives, children, and grandchildren, who were loyal friends, with a wide variety of interests that, yes, included bottom-slapping for fun-- was life-changing!

And hilarious fun!!

So here's a birthday-themed WolfieToon to honor Overbarrel Day!  

You haven't seen this one!  I had done this in 2017, but it never saw the light of Internet because the background perspective was so hopelessly askew.  But I fixed it, and wrote a newer gag!

And here is some of Phil's work!  

Only some samples!  You should go HERE to see a lot more!  There are bunces of horny tales to enjoy!!

"Then and Now"-- starting in 1967 and then a New Update!

(I'm betting they didn't really wait so long to have her panties down!)

Alice herself never made such an amazing discovery in any magic garden!  The juxtaposition here is hilarious, and yes, deliberate!  

Group Empathy!!

In these "clips" you see that our Springrose apparently didn't pay any attention to Jim Croce lyrics, and DID indeed pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger in order to provoke birthday spanking joy!!

Phil often included  the balloon-free version of his pictures to double your pleasure, double your fun!

Flights of Fancy featuring Fine Fannies!! 

And we'll end this spanking post with a post-spanking moment, gleeful with warm anticipation!!

Thank you, Phil, for all you are, have done, and have created!
Much love!!