WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

National Bikini Day!!

Well, I'm ruining behinds, er, that is, running behind-- July 5th was, according to the Wacky Events Calendar, National Bikini Day!  👀

Don't know who decided that, but many blessings upon their heads and tails!!

So, here are some Beautiful Beach Bunnies and Bathing Suit Babes who are getting their lovely fannies tanned, or are about to be spanked, have just been paddled, or really oughta be!

(Apologies to Mort and Dik, I added a detail not in their original strip!)

Stay in the swim (suit)!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Bears Investigating!

 When I did this piece of whimsy for "Discipline & Desire" in 2011, I thought it was uniquely quirky!

Then in October of 2014, NBC put up this station break card when Sarah Silverman hosted SNL!

Now that could be coincidence;  it could be that Sarah's a WolfieToon fan; or it could be there is something else going on!

'Cause, look at all this!!

Did the book "The Lonely Doll" reveal their predilection to these women in their kidhood, and is therefore still a powerful trigger today? 

They must all relish the idea of someone big, strong, furry, and very cuddly taking them over his lap!

Does it have a name, like, "The Goldilocks Syndrome?"

Maye it's just Fun and Funny!!

So-- if YOU go into the woods today, you're in for a BIG surprise!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Summer Play, Part Two!

 Here are a couple more hot, sunny weather themed WolfieToons.

When I began a weekly cartoon for the long-gone subscription story site "Discipline & Desire," I thought it would be easier and take less time if I used a very simple, cartoony style.  I was wrong!

So I did what I felt like, experimented, and had fun!  Hopefully everyone else did and will, too!

Time For Summer Play!

 Happy Summer Solstice!

It's the Official Start of Summer, and the Longest Day of the Year, so there's lots of time for all that healthy, invigorating, warm-weather-type activity!

Just remember your safety rules!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ding-Dong! Wolfie Calling!


(By the way, that name is NOT a Wolfieism!
I once encountered a Mary Barrass, and yes, that's exactly how she wanted me to pronounce her name!!)

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

BEEEEEEEEEEP! This Is A Test Of The WolfieToon Hinderance Alert Procedure! (W.H.A.P.)

 The Blogger settings have gone goofy!!

It says I should sign in, but acts like I already am, except it won't let me make any replies to comments as myself. Signing out and back in doesn't change anything.  

Robots.  Chee!!

So here's a Random Test Posting!

This concludes this test of the WolfieToon Hinderance Alert Procedure.  

Had this been an actual post with new cartoons, you would have been instructed as to where to 'toon in your area to grin and get horny.    

This was only a test.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

A WolfieToon That's Never Been Here Before

 Hi, Gang!

This is one of the early cartoons I did for the now-defunct romantic story subscription site "Discipline & Desire!"  After it was done, I found all sorts of drawing problems with it, so it's never been up on this here blog.

But now I thought, what the hell, so, for all you WolfieToon Compleatists: