WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Thursday, July 8, 2021

"Oh, William, the Pain! The Pain!!'

Today, the wonderful and redoubtable Erica Scott was musing on the alarming TV cartoon violence we Baby Boomers took in stride in our youth.  Taken seriously, of course, someone being flattened under a falling safe or having his nose blown off by a stick of dynamite would be horrific.

But my idea is that the alleged violence portrayed in the works of Messrs. Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Dave Fleischer, et al., is hilarious because of the surprise, because it's so outrageously exaggerated, and, because it's so often Just Desserts for Reprehensible Characters, provides a satisfying release without anyone being really hurt.

As a demonstration, I'll rerun this particular WolfieTroon featuring Exaggerated and Unnecessary Cartoon Violence.  The Language, however, has been made Acceptable For All Audiences.

And Erica responded, "Okay, that's damn funny!"


  1. (laughing) Well, it is.
    But riddle me this: the poor schnook can bludgeon his hand into hamburger, but swearing is unacceptable for delicate sensibilities? Humph. ;-)

    1. :-D Oh, yes, ma'am, that's Established Cartoon Protocol, as when Yosemite Sam, trying to off Bugs Bunny, would instead blow himself into crumble, and was then heard muttering, "Rotten Rabber-Scrabber Sasafrassin' Long-Eared Galoot!"

  2. Spankcat has the right idea , she won't be giggling once he starts whacking that delectible tushie with that big slipper !

    1. Yes, indeed, Glen', she slippered up there!!

  3. with pants on, and using the hand, the only one feeling pain would be the spanker.
    bottoms up

    1. Especially with the brads poking Brad there.
