WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Smoking Enders!

 I think there really is a group called "Smoking Enders," but this is probably not how it began:


  1. Sounds like a very effective stop smoking program to me Dave.
    It should come with it's own paddle to hang up as a reminder not to light up a cigarette.

    1. You could have something there, Glen'! And now that you mention it, I think Shadowlane did that for one of their very early videos. As I recall, they were still learning the movie-making craft, and there were some technical things (slow build up, staying too long on one shot, etc.) that spoiled the humor!

  2. Love how you take us around the image with your reds!
    What kinda plant is in the background……
    Love the intensity in their faces!

    1. Thank you, Minielle!
      Funny you should mention that, I was just looking at the background decoration myself, and I really can't remember if I was deliberately trying to make it look like something else that might be smoked, or if it was just a random stringy indoor plant. Probably the latter! But then again...
      I definitely took pride in using the color to show off her curves in this 'toon!
