WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Meanwhile, In 1965...

 Here's a new version of a WolfieToon I did nearly twenty years ago.

Now, these two characters have a somewhat convoluted comic book history, so we can ponder, is mid-60s version of Princess Diana applying some loving, sisterly discipline to the seat of Donna Troy's spangled shorts, or is this Wonder Woman spanking her younger Wonder Girl self? Interesting tale either way.


  1. My first thought was Wonder Woman. Are there really two Princess Dianas, the other being the Princess of Wales?


    1. Well, Hermione, there's a princess here getting whaled.

      But, yes, there are! When this Princess Diana, daughter of Hippolyta, formed from clay and brought to life by Aphrodite (as the original story went) left the Amazons of Paradise Island, later called "Themyscira," she became known in "Man's World" as Wonder Woman for her powers, skills, beauty, etc.

      They later told tales of younger Diana as Wonder Girl, and even Wonder Tot, and through some confusing comic book magic, had all three versions in adventures together.

      When several of the teen sidekicks got together in '64 or so, somehow Wonder Girl transformed into orphan Donna Troy, adopted by the Amazons and imbued with super powers by the Purple Ray or Pistachio Ray or something.

      More than anyone wanted to know, I bet.

      But again, I suppose it's not unreasonable for you to want to spank your younger self, and there are conceivable situations to want to haul your younger adopted sister across your lap.

      Anyway, I'm glad you found it amusing, and many thanks for the response!

  2. First I've heard of the name Donna Troy. From the TV Series I only remember Diana's sisters name was Drusilla with stars down the front of her top and solid blue shorts. Still two thumbs up for the new version.

    1. That's right, Blilen, and I thoroughly enjoyed and still relish watching young Debra Winger in the blue short shorts you mentioned! Hooray for freeze frame capability! I'm not sure why they named her Druscilla in the TV show. It is a Greek name, and was very popular for girls in the early 1900s.

      I just gave Hermione an abbreviated account of Wonder Girl's comic book origins, and she's had several costumes, and indeed, several origin tales there, but this first one is dear to my heart, as she came along just as I was approaching the cusp of manhood.

      Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the digital approval and your reply!

  3. Those Amazon's sure know how to spank but I prefer to see WW on the receiving end !

    1. Funny you should mention that, Glen'! The original of this cartoon had a companion piece I'm considering redoing as well!
