WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe
Showing posts with label pastiche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pastiche. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Another Birthday Themed Pastiche!

 In case you haven't run across the word before, a "pastiche" is "a work of visual art, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists, and, unlike parody, pastiche pays homage to the work it imitates, rather than mocking it."

So there!

Did you know there's a Betty Boop musical headed to Broadway?  I bet they don't have a scene like this, though:

Birthday Pastiche!

 Here's a remake of a cartoon I hastily did twenty years ago or so. 

The old version is probably on this blog somewhere, but don't bother searching, this one is a lot better!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Meanwhile, In 1965...

 Here's a new version of a WolfieToon I did nearly twenty years ago.

Now, these two characters have a somewhat convoluted comic book history, so we can ponder, is mid-60s version of Princess Diana applying some loving, sisterly discipline to the seat of Donna Troy's spangled shorts, or is this Wonder Woman spanking her younger Wonder Girl self? Interesting tale either way.

Monday, July 3, 2023

A Conscience Effort

I keep thinking that I'll do a better version of that Jiminy Cricket-Tinker Bell WolfieToon that seems to be a Web Favorite.

But in the meantime, here's:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Golden Birthday! (Plus a Pastiche!)

That's  Brandy Golden--  author,  gamer,  feisty cowgirl, and another of my very best-loved friends!  Today is her birthday! 
'Twas she who introduced me to Josh Smith, Reesa Roberts, and all the gang at "Discipline And Desire!"   We had met at the Western-Themed Yahoo Group, Spankville County!   Four years ago when I missed her birthday, I decided to add insult to injury with a Dr. Seuss pastiche and I repeat it here for people whose breakfasts have already settled.
"How D-Wolfe Caught Brandy!"
By Dr. Wolfe

All the Brangels in Bratsville liked Birthdays a lot,
but D-Wolfe, who lived outside of Bratsville, forgot!
Then he looked at his calendar, cried aloud, "D'OH!"
"I've missed Brandy's birthday two years in a row!!"

"Three weeks ago now," thought D-Wolfe, "give or take!
She must have had presents, loud singing, and cake!
I bet that she partied with Tom, Dick, and Fred
who also made sure that her jeans-seat was red!"

And the more D-Wolfe thought of this missed birthday treat,
the more D-Wolfe thought, "This is darned incomplete!
She's a lovely li'l Brangel, so thoughtful and sweet!
I MUST find some way to go love-pat her seat!"

Then D-Wolfe got an idear! An awful idear!
A wonderfully awful, Wolfie Idear!

"There's still some June left!" he thought, gaining hope,
"No need to sit here on my tail and just mope!
I'll ride into Bratsville before it is dawn,
and deliver the spanking that should have been drawn!"

So he gathered his papers and pencils and gear
and chuckled while thinking of Brandy's cute rear!
Out the door for his horse he strode with a will,
still laughing aloud, then he whistled for Bill.

Down the hill he did gallop, his furry face set
for the small town of Bratsville and Brandy to get!
"I wonder," he wondered, because it was hot,
"If Brandy is wearing pajamas or not?"

Then pulling Bill up near a house made of cake,
he thought to himself, "What a big thing to bake!"
He crept to the roof and listened a while,
the cute snoring inside curled his lips with a smile.

Down the chimbley he slid, as practiced Wolves do,
then stuck his head out of the fireplace flue!
'Cross the room he did creep, yellow eyes in the dark
gleaming with glee at his planned Birthday Lark!

The bundle in bed he tapped on the seat,
"Happy Birthday!" he cried and he threw back the sheet.

Then he stared--

No Brandy or Brangel lie there on the bed,
but a big bunch of pillows were piled up instead!

The end of a gun poked his head from behind!
"Paws up!" cried Brandy "And you'd better mind!"
"Why Brandy, my love!" said D Wolfe with a grin,
"I brought you a drawing! I'm glad you were in!"

"Cut the crap!" growled the Brangel, "Wolfie, you creep!
Trying to spank me while I was asleep!"
"What! Never!" said Wolfie, his fuzzy lips pursed,.
"For spanks on your birthday, you'd be awake first!"

"That's it!" shouted Brandy "You horrible Louse,
here's what you get for invading our house!"
Before Wolfe could move, she fired off her gun--
a flash in the dark and then it was done!

His face was all sticky and gooey and pink,
but hold on, dear reader, it's not what you think!
The gun Brandy held was a fine baker's tool
to decorate cakes and D-Wolfe, the fool!

So now Wolfie stood with his face finely iced,
licked his lips and mumbled, "Now, that wasn't nice!
A bad shock like that is not what I need!"
But Brandy was laughing too hard now to heed.

While helpless with laugher, the Brangel was caught
and D-Wolfe told her sternly, "Funny it's not!
My whiskers are sticky, and shaky my hands!
Now you WILL get a spanking, just like I'd planned!"

He then wrestled Brandy down over his lap
and suddenly came on the lights with a snap!
All of Bratsville, or leastways, that's how it seemed,
were now in the room, and "Surprise!" they all screamed.

They all joined Brandy in howling with glee
and D-Wolfe looked down at the girl on his knee.
"We knew you were coming!" she managed to choke,
"And so turned YOUR plan to OUR practical joke!"

D-Wolfe sat and pondered how they could possibly know
of a plan he'd concocted an hour ago!

He puzzled and thought til his puzzler was sore,
then Wolfe thought of someone he hadn't before:

"My horse! It was Bill! I see! What the hell!
That really tears it, I'm taking his cell!"

And what happened then? Well, in Bratsville they claim
that Brandy got spanked by D-Wolfe just the same!

Her birthday was over, but then, so was she,
ready and waiting on D-Wolfie's knee!
And when she'd had all of the spanks she could take,
he-- himself-- D-Wolfe- cut the cake!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Greetings, Class!

And, what th' heck, Greetings, No Class, too! 

If you don't use the word pastiche regularly, Merriam-Webster says it's "a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work; also such stylistic imitation."

For example, as an unofficial Baker Street Irregular, I can tell you with some authority that Mr. Devlin O'Neill has written one of the finest imitations of Arthur Conan Doyle ever, and-- I bet my furry tail--  the only Sherlock Holmes spanking story "The Curious Case of the Woman in the Red Drawers!"  You fellow Holmes fans and/or spankophiles will be tremendously titillated by the tale!  If you're neither, well, here's an opportunity to expand your horizons. 

So here now are the cartoon pastiches I've done over the years.  These have been around the InterWeb, but not all gathered together in one convenient, ready-to-click-and-save place. 

To start, here is what Max Fleischer and company missed doing in the 30's with Betty Boop!

There's a man in the funny papers you all know... well, at least, MY Generation did!  V.T. Hamlin's "Alley Oop!"

Uncle Walt's cartoons had spankin'-- but. well, not in THIS context!

(I may have that one up on this blog already... but since Little Miss Naughty likes it, and apparently lots of others, there it is for completion's sake.)

Naturally, cartoons are different these days... I did this one for the "Southern California Spanked Wives (And Girlfriends) Club" and the source (namely, Seth MacFarlane) proceeded to go wayyyyy beyond my pitiful parody of "Family Guy!"

Back to the funny papers, and the Wolfierization of Mort Walker's family strip "Hi and Lois!" 

Oh, yeah, there's another family strip still running, created toward the end of the Flapper Era by Chic Young.  I've seen various bare-bottomed and colorized versions of this around the Web-- Hee!! -- but here's the original "Blondie" I did for "Arild's Cartoon Spanking Yahoo Group"--  

Naturally, I've done some superheroes, but had no one particular artist in mind at the time.  This one might have just a touch of Bruce Timm (if that), who's been doing the DC characters for Warners Animation.

I can now see several flaws in this one I did for SCSWC, but if you can't, I won't point 'em out.  HA!!  

A cartoonier version;  I still like the attitudes! 

Again, with a slight influence from Mr. Timm, another SCSWC sketch:

Erica Scott has mentioned the Kids' Comics she read that had spankings;  I altered this panel from a "Little Audrey" story to be more appealing:

And I'll stop with that Baker's Dozen!  

P.S.-- Aren't you glad the frakin' Christmas commercials that started on Hallo-goldang-ween are OVER?!! 

But this week you can get a jump on Ground Hog's Day!  Or maybe Valentine's... the WolfieToons Book Sale continues to January 1st!  Details, and no spam or pop-ups, not even pop tarts, when you click the blue letters!