WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Didja know there are WolfieToons over on PINTEREST?

Well, there are, and it was Larken's idea!  Thank you, m'lady!

One of the things that pleases and amuses me about that is that a lot of the women over there who "like" and share my cartoons also feature boards on their Pinterest Pages about puppies and kittens and babies, fab clothes, recipes, travel photos, makeup tips, shoes, et al.   

Often as not, we spankophiles tend to "partition" our interests on-line.  In my case, it's to avoid embarrassment for my young and/or uninitiated relatives, because otherwise,  I'm rather proud of my WolfieWork!  Most of it, anyway. 

So it's refreshing to see these young women, moms, and grannies put it all up there, as if to say, "I have lots of personality facets, and some of them are sexual and humorously kinky!  So there!"

I mentioned this to Larken, who said, "There should be a word for that, you know, like Spanknilla!"

That's brilliant!  I'm going to start using it.

And, of course, "Spanknilla," to me, sounded something like--

(Click for a bigger, better view!)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Account For Yourself!

Ah, the You-Better-Have-Your-Taxes-Done Deadline approacheth- and if you go get professional help, be aware:

Monday, March 28, 2016

And We'll Have Fun! Fun! Fun!

Happy Spring Break to those who are having it, are about to have it, or have already had it when the weather was still a bit nippy!  

Here's some Vicarious Musical Frolic!

(Buns for everyone!)

(Sing along!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Wishing you baskets of joy with a WolfieToon that will be new to some of you, and two of my old favorites!

(Click on the first one to see the better, bigger size!)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fairy Tails, Part Four-- Happy St. Paddy's!

And now, the climax to this series!

As all things Irish are celebrated this week-- by many, quaffing green beer and beverages made pure and healthy  by the distillation process--  one remembers the Faerie Folk of Lore, and the stories of their mischief!  Why, it's said they can even make you disappear, taking you right away into their magical realm!  

And then who knows what the "Aes Sidhe" might get up to in their Faerie Mounds?! 

I think I've mentioned here before that one of my favorite movies (there are lots) is Disney's "Darby O'Gill and the Little People!"   I was three years old when it hit the theaters.
("WOW, Wolfie, that movie's OLD!!"
"Sure 'n' it's a trip over my knee you're after!")

ANYWAY, it's a captivating, charming tale, with the beautifully-done special effects supporting the story, rather than being a distraction, like so many CGI things done now that only call attention to themselves.

This movie is especially nice for those of you with an appreciation for a young Sean Connery! 

("Oh, and wouldn't I like to be feelin' your strong palm on my wee backside!")

And there are the wild and scary parts, like when the Banshee appears to herald the approaching death of the heroine!! 

The Banshee's wail is indeed unnerving!!

So, here's a bit of timely folklore you may not have encountered!

Take heed, it could save your hiney!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fairy Tails. Part Two!

I believe I've discussed the story of Little Red Writhing Bottom here before!

But it's such a favorite!

Didja see the movie version of the play "Into The Woods?"  Red is a part of that, and Johnny Depp makes a great Wolfie, fashioned a little after the Tex Avery wolf!

(Here's the video from YooHooTube!)

Now, the original Broadway Wolf wore striped socks!

Because ALL Wolfies DO wear striped socks!

Size 14 Socks!

However, the Broadway Wolf, panting after Red, could've used PANTS!

And, yes, you ARE seeing what you THINK you're seeing.

The producers did cut that penis down (AAAAA!!) after the trial performances because its remarkable length was "too distracting."  


The London version of the "Into The Woods" wolf was more Muppetish.

(Sorry, that's as clear as I can make those pictures!) .

SO--- Now comes the WolfieToon Version!!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Jug of Wine, A Loaf of Bread, and Thou Over My Knee

Sunday is the minor holiday known as Valentine's Day!  For your edification, NPR has an article about its origins HERE!

Meanwhile, Related Cartoons, starting with one I titled "Discipline And Desire!"

Can you tell this woman's on the phone?  Can you hear her girlfriend giggle?

An attempt at a Romance Novel Cover!

(Remember Paddle Cat? ) 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy Groundhog Day!

And we're not talking pork sausage here!  

Accordion to my German ancestors, 

today the groundhog, also known as the woodchuck,

will peek out of his cozy groundhole, and if it's cloudy--
 Spring will come early!

But-- if Chuck sees his shadow, 

Winter persists another six weeks!!.

Now, all that doesn't sound strictly scientific, 

however, it did lead to two WolfieToons!

This one, for various reasons, was never published!

As a matter of fact, I don't know why it's here now.  

However, I re-did the joke some time later with a better cartoon!

So enjoy the day, and if you see Bill Murray, tell him I said, "Hey."

So enjoy the day, and if you see Bill Murray, tell him I said, "Hey."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Guest Writers!

Well, I did a "WolfieToon" every week for ten years for "Discipline & Desire," and others before, during, and after, so that's well over five hundred cartoons.  

I don't know how prolific that makes me alongside guys like my buddy Phil "Overbarrel" or guys like Nik Zula or Endart (courtesy of OTK4U), but it is a bunch to do on one somewhat limited topic.  

So once in a while I had Guest Writers.  Here are a couple of my favorites.  Not all of them, so I can post more later!

"D&D" Editor Reesa Roberts had a contest about seven years ago she cleverly called "Name That 'Toon!"  
Here are the winners:

Here's one of the best from a great guy, Charlie "Tunasheart!"

And a topper from lovely Lady Larken!

More Larken Cleverness can be seen Here and Especially Here!