WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Monday, June 14, 2021

Something Old, Something New!

For all the June Brides, like the Old Rhyme says, I have Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Spanked Pants with a Shoe!

Oh, wait, no, no, no, it's supposed to go, "Sixpence in her Shoe."

But-- maybe she'd like it better the first way!  

Anyway, here's a trio of WolfieToon Wedding Cartoons, starting with a new drawing for a gag I did a bunch of years ago!  Enjoy, and Mazel Tov!

We'll all come dance at your wedding!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Click and Send! Good Dog!

 If you're an old movie fan, you probably have creaky knees.

Oh, no, no, no, I mean, if you're a fan of old movies, you can see that this couple has an inviting sense of humor from their naming of pets. 

But it you're not a senior cinephile, you still might think this couple has an inviting sense of humor!

And their little bulldog, too!! 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

There Comes A Time--

 --when a gal has to make her guy stop screwing around and pay attention to her needs!!

Remember that Theodore Sturgeon "Star Trek" quote?  

"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play!"

ESPECIALLY this kind!!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

¡Llego Tarde!

"Llego tarde", en español, means, "I'm late!"

"Lego TARDIS" is a Doctor WHO toy.

Apparently yesterday was also National Cartoonists Day!

So, let's have a margarita and enjoy!!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

The WolfieBlog Goes To The Dogs!


Once upon a time, a WolfieToon Fan wrote to me that she loved "The lovable, scruffy, ugly pets" in the background of my cartoons.  Well, some are scruffier than others, but Phil "Overbarrel" thought that was hilarious, and started calling them all-- dogs, cats, chickens, horses -- "Scruffies!"

Usually. the dogs appear as Witnesses and Commentators-- what Larken has called My "Greek Chorus!"

But occasionally, they are Participants, with an emphasis on "pants!"

So if you have pooches near when you play, remember-- they know more than you might give them credit for!!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

An Easterly Greeting!

"In your Easter Panties, your pastel purple fanny
will make the greatest target for my loving cascade!
Though you kick and wriggle, I still can hear you giggle,
and know you're really loving my hot Easter cascade!"