WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sheri's Panties!

Well, those may not actually be the panties Sheri has on, if any.

However, Ms Savill does realize the importance of details when writing or daydreaming, and has created an aide for such with the Definitive Panty Guide For Erotic Fiction!

Just click THIS to go see it and enhance every scene before your mind's eye!   Highly recommended. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Erica And Her White-Bottomed Friends

This is ERICA SCOTT'S Birthday Week!

My humble contribution:

With my love to Her Smirkiness!

I should have re-drawn her legs, though.  Even in Cartoon Form, Erica has much sexier legs.  

Butt!  Lookit that cute white bottom!!

Say, let's view some other cute white bottoms that didn't stay white very long:

(My thanks to Various Web Picture Share-ers.)

Hm, she looks familiar!

And so does she!

If you run around the house in just your blouse and panties, really, you're just asking to be put over his knee.  And I bet she was  

I personally have no problems with Visible Panty Lines-- quite the contrary!-- and, to be fair, this lass had just been in the rain, but it's still considered a Fashion No-No and A Reminder must be Applied.  That's the law, after all.

Speaking of the law, Top-Types are required in every circumstance to hoist plaid skirts.

And Helpful Tops will also make sure that her panties fit correctly for proper curvature display and augmentation.  And after an Interval of Appreciation, they may be tugged right down.  

It's also incumbent upon the fellas to frequently ensure that the ladies' derrieres have not gone cold.

Reheat as necessary.

Or even if she thinks it's unnecessary.  One doesn't want to become neglectful.

Because Neglect might lead to the woman becoming Wicked, which would then have to be addressed by an Injured Party, such as her Stepsister. 

How many times have you seen the word "sparkling" and misread it as "spanking?"  Me, too.

All's well with a happy end.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall, Professor Wagstaff Gets The Ball!

Hey, it's Back-To-School and Football Season!!

Well, OK, that may mean more to some people than to others.

But even if you're not a Fan, there's a bright side to everything!

Sometimes a VERY bright side!

Here's a topical WolfieToon  from "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"

So, spanking of, er, I mean, speaking of Backfield-To-School and Football, if you've never seen a Marx Brothers movie, I highly recommend "Horse Feathers."   

If you have seen it, pop it in or call it up and watch it again.  Your day will improve exponentially. 

What reminded me of that movie was a cheerleader picture I ran across that demanded I steal one of Groucho's "Horse Feathers" lines.  

So I did.

Just remember, you can't-a come inna here unless you say, "Swordfish!"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Imp Anthem!

From the 1930 movie "Follow Through," Ms Zelma O'Neal (no relation) sings the Imp Anthem-- "I Want To Be Bad!"

Of course, we all know that, Now as Then, such Naughty Impulses must be properly addressed!

Especially is your Imp is improperly dressed.  

No, no, no, not like that at all!  That's always good.  I mean, like wearing girdles during a spanking:

(And you know she did that on purpose, girdles are really hard to find these days!!) 

Or like stealing your fella's favorite T-shirt and then getting it all stretched out of shape.

Or breaking Tops' Toys

Or, for that matter, breaking Tops.

Or carelessly wearing very expensive jewelry to Pottery Class.

Or spying on the neighbors like Gladys Kravitz..

Or sneaking off for a snooze when you're supposed to be doing outdoor chores.

Or cutting off the tops of Van Johnson's socks and trying to make him believe you're too young to know that was wrong. 

So-- you Imps had better play your cards right

Or the Gobble-uns Wolfies'll git ya 
Ef you


Monday, August 4, 2014

More Wolfie Beach Fun: Original Art!

There's a Revealing Detail from one of the latest WolfieToons at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"  

I thought it might be fun to show you some of the original black-and-white art for other "D&D" beach-themed cartoons! 

The beach party almost doesn't need the lettering and gag!  (But just so you know, he's singing, "Wild Thing!  I'll make your butt sting!")  The next one, though, is kinda bare without more:


For some reason this particular gag has been a favorite of cartoonists for a long time;  here is my first pencil sketch for it. 

Then the inked version, which-- perhaps appropriately enough-- has been slightly water-damaged.

And now, the finished cartoon:  

Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Monday, July 28, 2014


That (mostly) black and white drawing is a detail from the "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" WolfieToon titled, "Cosplay," done as a salute to Comic-Con International held in Sand Diego this past weekend!

One of the fun parts of any comic convention is the "Cosplay!"

If you're unfamiliar with the term "Cosplay," it's not about listening to Bill Cosby albums-- 

--although that's a very good idea.  

"Cosplay" means "playing in costume," usually at parties and conventions.  If you'll YAHOO it, you'll find a lot of delightfully entertaining stuff.  As a matter of fact, PBS just aired a program about the people that make and / or wear the character costumes. I bet it's streaming on their website! 

Cosplay, originally a Japanese term describing those who became the Manga (Japanese comics) and Video Game Characters, is not restricted to Fancy Dress Parties or Halloween--

--but can happen any time!  In fact, one can even experience Premature Cosplay!

So, if you're aware of this phenomena, it can prevent problems. 

Although you don't necessarily have to explain to your daughter why you're borrowing her school uniform.

(That's the original inked drawing from a WolfieToon you've probably seen a lot.  Notice how I had my Tweedy Dad in a cool bow-tie six years before Matt Smith became Doctor Who!  Ha!)

(Sorry, Doctor Who-Ha is an entirely different program.) 

Now, when choosing these cartoons, I made a distinction between my characters dressing up as characters and real characters.

For instance, this is the first pencil sketch of the real Big Little Red Riding Hood out in the woods

--and this is the real Princess's Whipping Girl, thoroughly enjoying her work.

But the couple at the top of the page are in costume, as are the two below.

The difference is, the former are appearing in public, at a convention, and the latter are performing in private.  Or they were until their hostess blundered in.  

Well, blow me down!!