WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ding-Dong! Wolfie Calling!


(By the way, that name is NOT a Wolfieism!
I once encountered a Mary Barrass, and yes, that's exactly how she wanted me to pronounce her name!!)

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

BEEEEEEEEEEP! This Is A Test Of The WolfieToon Hinderance Alert Procedure! (W.H.A.P.)

 The Blogger settings have gone goofy!!

It says I should sign in, but acts like I already am, except it won't let me make any replies to comments as myself. Signing out and back in doesn't change anything.  

Robots.  Chee!!

So here's a Random Test Posting!

This concludes this test of the WolfieToon Hinderance Alert Procedure.  

Had this been an actual post with new cartoons, you would have been instructed as to where to 'toon in your area to grin and get horny.    

This was only a test.


Saturday, May 28, 2022

A WolfieToon That's Never Been Here Before

 Hi, Gang!

This is one of the early cartoons I did for the now-defunct romantic story subscription site "Discipline & Desire!"  After it was done, I found all sorts of drawing problems with it, so it's never been up on this here blog.

But now I thought, what the hell, so, for all you WolfieToon Compleatists:

Thursday, May 26, 2022

From the Phil Philes!!

 Today is Phil "Overbarrel's" birthday!  He is one of the most exceptional men I've ever met.  And we did that when the Web was new, at a Yahoo Group called "Arild's Moviespanking Group."  Phil always said that was an odd name for it, because movies per se were almost never discussed!  

What we did, though, was to share our creative efforts, and find out that having an acute interest in erotic spanking did not mean you were a candidate for prison and/or the Psych Ward.  Because, you know, there had been times and people in my life before that made me seriously question that!  

So to know people like Phil-- intelligent, decent, caring, funny, upstanding men who honored their mothers, wives, children, and grandchildren, who were loyal friends, with a wide variety of interests that, yes, included bottom-slapping for fun-- was life-changing!

And hilarious fun!!

So here's a birthday-themed WolfieToon to honor Overbarrel Day!  

You haven't seen this one!  I had done this in 2017, but it never saw the light of Internet because the background perspective was so hopelessly askew.  But I fixed it, and wrote a newer gag!

And here is some of Phil's work!  

Only some samples!  You should go HERE to see a lot more!  There are bunces of horny tales to enjoy!!

"Then and Now"-- starting in 1967 and then a New Update!

(I'm betting they didn't really wait so long to have her panties down!)

Alice herself never made such an amazing discovery in any magic garden!  The juxtaposition here is hilarious, and yes, deliberate!  

Group Empathy!!

In these "clips" you see that our Springrose apparently didn't pay any attention to Jim Croce lyrics, and DID indeed pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger in order to provoke birthday spanking joy!!

Phil often included  the balloon-free version of his pictures to double your pleasure, double your fun!

Flights of Fancy featuring Fine Fannies!! 

And we'll end this spanking post with a post-spanking moment, gleeful with warm anticipation!!

Thank you, Phil, for all you are, have done, and have created!
Much love!!

Monday, April 18, 2022


Today (the 18th) being the extended deadline, I would guess everybody's done with income taxes now, or else made some sort of arrangements.  

Like, maybe packing PJs for the pokey! 

Remember last year they gave us an extra month because 2020 had been such a frakin' mess?

And, other tropical 'toons:

Here's an old cartoon with new topical dialogue!

I'm proud of that firm's slogan.

It seems the clients are firm, too.


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Bunch Of OTK!

 Here are a bunch of random pictures and clips that I culled from the Web and edited together-- with no claim of ownership or any sort of financial gain!-- for your entertainment and mine! 

The theme is, loosely, Little White Bottoms Turning Pink!!

(It'll look best if you click and take it full screen!)

What tha hey!  Let's do it AGAIN!

But this time with lots of SMACKIN' SOUNDS!

These are not my drawings, nor my clips!