WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Somethin' Stupid, And Not By Frank And Nancy Sinatra

And now for something completely different...

A Circus Girl being spanked by her Elephant.

(Click for a bigger view)

Now, you may ask, "What's the story here?!"  Well, that's for you to decide, and share below, if you'd like.  I can't always come up with everything around here, y'know. 

Here's some musical accompaniment:

But the actual inspiration for this was viewing an episode of "The Hollywood Palace" from the 60's that's now on YouTube.   Who else would see a performing elephant and think of that cartoon?

In case you're "very" young, "The Hollywood Palace" was a variety show-- sort of Vaudeville for television-- in which each week, a different Big Star would host a show full of singers, dancers, comics, animal acts, people on top of eighty-foot poles, and more.  

It's still pretty entertaining, so you should check it out on YouTube, especially because these old tapes include the original commercials for cigars, cigarettes, margarine, floor wax, and hair care products. (Holey Socks, I used "Groom 'N' Clean" in 7th grade!!  Then I switched to "Vitalis," then I desisted altogether..)

I suppose some Xmas 'Toons will be showing up here soon!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Swell Solution For Flat-Bottomed Girls

In the Marx Brothers' movie "Horsefeathers," Professor Wagstaff (Groucho) is out on the lake purportedly pitching woo to "college widow" Connie  (Thelma Todd) and tells her,
 "You know, this is the first time I've been out in a canoe since I saw "The American Tragedy.'"

She assures him, "Oh, you're perfectly safe. Professor, in this boat."

"I don't know," says Wagstaff, "I was going to get a flat bottom, but the girl at the boathouse didn't have one."

(Detail from a WolfieToon Larken wrote-- stay tuned!)

Now. it's been rare for me to encounter a woman who said, "I want a bigger butt!"  

As a matter of fact, being a somewhat suspicious wolfie, it seems that a penchant for padded panties might have less to do with wanting to show off a rounded rump and more with a mischievous Imp wanting some protective buffer against the likelihood of a heated hiney.  

After all, in an emergency, one may not always have a handy copy of "Cosmopolitan" or some similar hefty tome to surreptitiously slide into the seat of one's designer jeans.  

In fact, they were using such a garment on stage recently!  
Erica Scott wrote about the play "Permission" IN THIS BLOG ENTRY!

"Lay on, Macduff, my duff is buffered!"

"Eek!  I covered my ass for anything except MOM OUT IN THE AUDIENCE!!"

Nevertheless-- I have seen seen historical records

and late-night TV ads 

that indicate some flat-bottomed girls do indeed want artificial flirtation augmentation.


What happens when those padded panties come down, for play, or spanking, or play-spanking, or even spanking play?!

Therefore, a natural solution is required!  

Wolfie To the Rescue!!


You're welcome!  

Sunday, November 22, 2015


And would you like some cuffs on the bottom, Ma'am?


We can have that for you Tuesday.

Actually, that's my alteration of this cartoon:

I don't know who did that, or where it was originally shown, but I'd love to know its context!  The style is familiar-- it feels like a mid-to-late-60's thing to me.  You've probably seen it on several websites and blogs the past few years.  Anyway, I did the alteration for my amusement, and now, perhaps for yours, too.  

But, having done it, and presenting it now, I seem to have violated my own principles!  You see, I tend to be a cranky purist, and dislike radical changes to finished art. 

 Now, restoration is different;  clean the centuries of candle soot and other painter's censorings off Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling, sharpen the faded images and remove the film scratches from the old Universal monster movies, but for crying out loud,  Laurel and Hardy movies don't need to be colorized, especially when it's poorly done!

 Bare pink cartoon butts are pretty darn cute, but sometimes subtlety is sexier!  For instance, here's my second-favorite Dan DeCarlo spanking cartoon, one he did for publisher Martin Goodmen's men's humor digests in the early 60's while also working at Archie Comics!   

A very funny and arousing little drawing, and so someone wanted to see Dan's Daisy Mae Clone with an unclad posterior!  And who could blame him?  (Or her?)

The thing is, I think that alteration, besides not being up to the actual line work, detracts rather than adds to the appeal!  And it somehow bugs me that it might be mistaken by Googlers for Dan's original 

But I don't get all prissy and pissy when someone takes credit for their alterations.  Doc Cylon has done a bunch of colorizations and animations, like this one on a Frank Cho cartoon.

And I actually love the translations my French friend  STAN/E has done for various WolfieToons!  His background colors are often a big improvement, and if he removes a Wolfie Woman's panties, he presents the original cartoon as well. 

 I had a mixed reaction the first time I ever saw a WolfeToon altered.  It was a quick and sloppy Chic Young pastiche that I presented in the long-gone "Arild's Movie Spanking Yahoo group"--

Someone wanted to see a later stage of that spanking, and in color!  

That actually is a pretty subtle pink on her hiney.  And, hey, where'd Daisy go?  Out of the room to allow privacy?  Not running for "help," I hope!

So I guess my thought is, alterations can be lots of fun to craft and to see, but maybe it's better to take credit and/or blame?