"WolfieToons" are for adults who enjoy playful erotic spanking cartoons; If that isn't you, best keep surfing. And if you are under eighteen-- Scram, Kid!
Finding out about Sex at age ten or so was a pretty shocking thing to me. They put what where??! Aw, c'mon, you're making that up!! Then my cousins laughed at me.
So I after I consulted actual authoritative sources and acknowledged the truth of the matter, I had to ponder that my parents were Sexual Beings. Mind-blowing, dude.
I'd always seen them hug and cuddle and kiss, and on very rare occasions I saw Dad put Mom over his lap and playfully (but firmly!) spank her butt while she giggled her head off. And said "Ouch!!"
The fact that I'd always found such activity enticing and highly entertaining began to make a little bit of sense.
There's just something very grin-worthy of having mothers-- who so often give spankings-- get them, too!
The acronym "M.I.L.S." will never catch on, but here are some examples from "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" WolfieToons new and old, starting with this pencil version:
That's "Reesa Roberts" on the writing credit!
And there's a story behind that drawing I've told HERE!
By the way, the spankin' new server and host and whatchacallit doodad for "D&D" is still pending, but oughta be up soon!!
In case you were wondering What The FlintstoneVitamins is going on at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE"-- they're building a new, easier-to-navigate site! The weekly member updates actually are there; only the Free Preview Page hasn't been in action while all the technical stuff is getting Iron Manned out. But it will be all set soon!
Meanwhile, some Ends and Odds for your perusal:
This is one of the ends in the new WolfieToon. I like short shorts.
And something odd. A penguin kite.
Here's another end from a recent WolfieToon. It brings to mind something Larken just told me: "Spanking is just like eating Chinese food-- an hour later, you're naughty again."
This is really cool, I still want one.
Chalk up another WolfieToon end.
Now, at first you'd think this deliberately odd pic is from a student film-maker trying her best to be David Lynch. But, really, they're just horsing around in an equus-opportunity setting.
Oh, Wolfie fuzz-wuzz here!
And now something completely different. Weird Al Yankovic with an arm graft about to spank Clare Fonda.
(My apologies to Seth Olenick / Harper Collins, Al and Clare and everybody at "Shadow Lane!")
The new WolfieToon might be one of my favorites; it certainly got an enthusiastically warm reception from Springrose, Larken, and Kaki!
See if the story snippets appeal to you as much as they do to me! And I'm really enjoying Editor Reesa's illustration selections, too!
The Freebie this week is the first chapter of Michelle Carlyle's "THE BAD BURGLAR," with a spanking both hilarious and horny! That's my favorite combination!
Oh, and there's a sci-fi strapping in the free e-book chapter of Deborah Plum's STARR CROSSED," too!
Hope I took the pain out of a Summer Monday and put it back where it belongs.
I've always had a taste for the outré and the uncanny in fiction. Not gore and viscera, that's just repulsive, but something that reminds you, with a chill and a thrill, that there are things in heaven and earth beyond your ken, is scary and entertaining. Therefore I'll have to try H. P. Lovecraft again.
(H.P. by Bruce Timm)
In the '20s and '30s, Lovecraft wrote supernatural horror tales, "weird fiction" he called it, which was often a blend of the supernatural, science fiction and ancient mythology. He strove to create "an atmosphere of breathless and unexplainable dread of outer, unknown forces," malignant forces that wanted to destroy our supposedly reliable, safe reality.
His stuff showed up in magazines like "Weird Tales."
So having heard all that, but never having read any, I decided, about twenty-five years ago, that I should check out a volume of H. P. Lovecraft from the library.
And... Wolfie shrugged. Maybe I tried to read too much of him all at once, or maybe I just wasn't in the mood. A few tales I found compelling, but mostly what I noted was Lovecraft's pronounced aversion to reptiles, cephalopods, and mucus.
All of his creatures / aliens / monsters appeared on the scene scaly, or squishy, and dripping secretions. Always dripping secretions. And that can certainly be revolting, but about the sixth tentacled thing with a runny nose you encounter in one afternoon, it gets a little tedious.
Like I said, maybe I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. About that same time, I was thinking that Anne Rice's vampires were kinda soggy and sloggy.
Anyway-- and my apologies to true Lovecraftians for a truncated explanation-- one of H. P.'s running themes was the idea that long before the dawn of Man there came to our planet a very odd and very powerful race of extraterrestrial beings, whose history and wars ended with a lot of them in a precarious hibernation, and their dreaded awakening meaning our eradication.
One of these beings, supposedly one of the lesser of the Old Ones, but certainly one of the most popular, was "Cthulhu"-- a giant monster, hundreds of meters tall, who could change its form to suit its needs, but generally appeared, said Mr. Lovecraft, in "vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind."
Lovecraft sketched this:
And his published stories inspired some really cool paintings! I kinda like the middle one best.
And of course, there are some who won't take it seriously. Wiseacres. My People.
And NOW you have enough to make whatever sense there is to make from the three cartoons RICHARD WINDSOR sent over!
While he was walkin' down the beach, one bright and sunny day, he saw a great big wooden box a-floatin' in the bay. He pulled it in and opened it up, and much to his surprise, he discovered this THUMP THUMP THUMP right before his eyes!! And e-mailed it to me. But instead of yelling "Get outta here with that THUMP THUMP THUMP!!" I decided to give it to YOU!
The artist isGreg Sukebe, and it's the first I've seen of any of his work. The subject is Bettie Page and Cthulu.
Thanks, Rich! And Greg, wherever you are!
Speaking of slimy monsters from outer space, I had this magazine. and the movie has a couple of good tush-shots.
UPDATE-- July 9th!
Honestly, Cartoonists must have a Collective Consciousness.... If you've seen George Takei passing this around on FaceBook-- well, now you get the gag!
"Starry, starry night! Make her bottom pink and bright!"
I hope you have some fun on our national holiday! Here are two of my favorite WolfieToons from "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" for the Fourth; in fact, they're the first couple I did over there!
And more summer fun from the Royal Teens! And Company!!
(I always liked the spanking sounds in this song!!)
Yosemite Sam used to mutter, after being hoisted by his own petard, one he intended for Bugs Bunny, "Ah hates rabbits." I have similar feelings for the mindless minions in the world of electronics.
Mind you, I've met wonderful friends via the InterWebs, and I love being able to watch movies on disk and all that. And if the Real Robots were anything like the ones I grew up with on TV, in the movies, novels, and comics, that might be pretty good. But the Alleged Intelligence imbued into the mechanical marvels they're actually starting to put in charge of things nowadays has Isaac Asimov face-palming from the grave. For example, that fumbling, irritating, nagging Fembot they let run the self-checkout grocery line really needs her bucket burnished. Badly.
So-- Blogger is going to kill adult blogs that link to pay-sites, maybe because they're not collecting kick-backs, and the Frankensteiners have set loose their quarter-brained Robot Rovers to do the job, to sniff out and devour Offenders. So if the constant links back to my home base at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" excite the Moron GoogleHounds, this particular WolfieBlog will soon disappear.
If that happens at this point, maybe few will notice. Family matters and paying work efforts are taking most of my fragmented attention these days, and posting here has become rare. But every wolfie needs a hobby, so I might put things together elsewhere, if it's worth paying to do so. We'll see.
Meanwhile, there might be hope for robot redemption. Here's a news item about QUIVERING JAPANESE ROBOT BUTTOCKS. They quiver when you spank them and clench in delight when stroked. That's a helluva sex toy. I wonder if they're going to make the entire robot look like the one Julie Newmar portrayed in the short-lived '64 series, "My Living Doll?" That might alter my prejudice against real-life robots.
Seems I did a blog entry here about Cool Robot Spankings... Tried to use the Blogger Search-This-Blog Robot up there to the right to find it, and guess what. Hey, you're a pretty good guesser!
Fortunately other things do work, so you can have a peek back at "BOTS AND BUTTS!"