WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Volleyball Sugar Smacks!

Just saw my Hometown College Football Team win their game by twenty points, and it reminded me, because I Yam What I Yam, and That's All What I Yam, that there have forever been jokes about all the congratulatory butt-slapping on the gridiron.

Butt-- you know what?  

There's a sport with a lot more fanny smacking than I think high school, college or pro American Football ever saw-- and that would be Women's Volleyball!

And who could blame anyone?  I mean, look at all this temptation!

Now immediately, some will say it's because a lot of these girls "play for the other team," and I'm certain a lot of them do.  

However, a huge part of it will also be good-natured camaraderie, and feminine affection, and just a nigh-irresistible urge to pat and pet the adorable little round bottom of someone you love!

In any case, it's quite... heart-warming to see!

Speaking of the other team--

And here are video highlights from a game with almost non-stop fanny pats, butt-grabbing, and the jiggling of others' behinds!

Now, leave us not presume that the yellow-jersied girls of St. Francis are in any way repressed or affection-starved so that they relish their bottom contact as much or more than the game itself.  

But there is a lot of it.

And, who knows?  Maybe after the game, someone will decide to put her friend or rival or friendly rival right across her lap for a proper spanking, with no pretense!


Like the duck on that irritating TV ad says--

Friday, September 28, 2018

Another Wolfie Coloring Book!

Author Allysa Hart asked me to supply some pictures for a coloring book she's selling as part of the promotion for her new books.  So I did a few.  Some are loosely based on the stories she told me about, some are adapted from older WolfieToons;  all together, a dozen or so..  The cover looks like this:

The link for it is Here!

One of the spanked bottoms you can color looks like this:

Of course, you'll want to have lots of Pink.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Great Scott!!

Hey, there, long time no see!  I've been otherwise occupied, part of which I'll tell you about in a bit.

But first!!

Did you know that Erica Scott, after a bit of a break, is back blogging again?  

Come to think of it, you probably did, because she started it up again in the middle of July.  But I'm just catching up.

And did you know that today (Saturday Sept 22) is Erica's birthday?!  

Well, 'tis!

And how many birthday swats will that make?  One doesn't ask, if one has any sort of breeding, so we'll just keep going until she says "stop."  

And since that might be a while, we'll post a shift sign-up sheet.  

No shoving in line.

Happiest of birthdays, best of all Ericas, with bestest of love!!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Working Toward An Advanced Degree!

Of course, that begs the question, "an advanced degree of what?"

Anyway, this studious spouse seems to be taking that "Master" title seriously!

Happy new School Year to all!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Staying Top-ical

ComicCon is going great guns this weekend, so it would be remiss of me to miss this opportunity!  Behold:

Oh, and if you can tell Who the M.C. is supposed to be a caricature of, you win Triple Wolfie Points!  (It's not a good 'nuff caricature, I'll be surprised if anyone can see it, even with my slight hint!!)

Don't Miss It!

Check local listings for time and channel!

Monday, July 9, 2018

A "D & D" Tale!

For ten years, my WolfieToons were a weekly feature of the now-defunct subscription story site "Discipline & Desire."  There were a lot of fine and funny writers there, and it was owned, operated, and edited by one of the hardest-working entrepreneurs in the world, a lovely and creative woman who signed herself Reesa Roberts. She was actually the second owner, and did a remarkable amount of work promoting it, and all the work of her writers.  She also penned some pretty hot tales herself!

Editor Reesa gave me a lot of leeway, but also kept me on track and out of most trouble.  And she made some invaluable contributions to several cartoons! For instance, I did one in which the Spanker was lamenting the fact that the Spankee seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much.  Reesa said, "So, put someone in the background yelling, "Use the paddle, Dumbass!"  And thus was born Paddle-Cat!

Paddle-Cat made a few return visits, like this one:

So-- I came up with a 'toon in which a Baker decided her Gingerbread Men should be Anatomically Correct, and Well and Truly So.  I mean, you wouldn't want the things breaking off in the bag on the way home, would you? 

It was a pretty explicit cartoon for Wolfie, and Mama Reesa wrote to me, 

"Do we really need to show the little cockapoos?"


But, okay, Boss, we'll do it your way.  I slapped a sign over the offending bits, and guess what!  The cartoon actually got funnier!

But because I'm a natural-born wiseguy, I had to send this to Reesa the next week, declaring, "I'm putting Cockapoos in THIS cartoon!"

Reesa's reply was,

"Those aren't Cockapoos.  Those are dogs."

I love this lady!!

Thank you very much, Reesa, for one of the best experiences of my life, for all your encouragement, for your terrifically ferocious efforts for all of us, and most especially, for being the woman you are.