More than a couple of Christmases ago, darling Springrose and I were discussing the phenomena of Santa as Spanker.
I know that in some cultures, Santa and Krampus have been in cahoots--
--with each each doling out rewards or punishment.
In other places, St. Nick himself distributes all the goodies!
But I had never really thought of the Jolly One as a figure in erotic spanking fantasy, myself!
But Springrose told me, "You know-- it just somehow works!"
Yes, evidently!!
That last one might be my favorite Christmas Card Greeting of all time! What an adorable couple!
Well, there was another pairing that I love-- Richard Windsor and Pixie Wells!!
Pixie Had a great time!
Didn't she?
Sure she did!!
Anyway, since Santa obviously enjoyed putting pretty posteriors over his lap, and wasn't doing much with Coca-Cola anymore,
I became one of several cartoonists who employed him from time to time!For instance, here's that Sequel to a previous WolfieToon, an answer to the "Christmas Letter" that Veronica wrote!

My dear friend Phil "Overbarrel" insisted on that sequel! Santa was over at his studio, too!
Occasionally Santa would make use of his Helpers--
--so that he could go enjoy the holiday himself!!
Merry Christmas, cats!