WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fairy Tails. Part Two!

I believe I've discussed the story of Little Red Writhing Bottom here before!

But it's such a favorite!

Didja see the movie version of the play "Into The Woods?"  Red is a part of that, and Johnny Depp makes a great Wolfie, fashioned a little after the Tex Avery wolf!

(Here's the video from YooHooTube!)

Now, the original Broadway Wolf wore striped socks!

Because ALL Wolfies DO wear striped socks!

Size 14 Socks!

However, the Broadway Wolf, panting after Red, could've used PANTS!

And, yes, you ARE seeing what you THINK you're seeing.

The producers did cut that penis down (AAAAA!!) after the trial performances because its remarkable length was "too distracting."  


The London version of the "Into The Woods" wolf was more Muppetish.

(Sorry, that's as clear as I can make those pictures!) .

SO--- Now comes the WolfieToon Version!!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Jug of Wine, A Loaf of Bread, and Thou Over My Knee

Sunday is the minor holiday known as Valentine's Day!  For your edification, NPR has an article about its origins HERE!

Meanwhile, Related Cartoons, starting with one I titled "Discipline And Desire!"

Can you tell this woman's on the phone?  Can you hear her girlfriend giggle?

An attempt at a Romance Novel Cover!

(Remember Paddle Cat? ) 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy Groundhog Day!

And we're not talking pork sausage here!  

Accordion to my German ancestors, 

today the groundhog, also known as the woodchuck,

will peek out of his cozy groundhole, and if it's cloudy--
 Spring will come early!

But-- if Chuck sees his shadow, 

Winter persists another six weeks!!.

Now, all that doesn't sound strictly scientific, 

however, it did lead to two WolfieToons!

This one, for various reasons, was never published!

As a matter of fact, I don't know why it's here now.  

However, I re-did the joke some time later with a better cartoon!

So enjoy the day, and if you see Bill Murray, tell him I said, "Hey."

So enjoy the day, and if you see Bill Murray, tell him I said, "Hey."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Guest Writers!

Well, I did a "WolfieToon" every week for ten years for "Discipline & Desire," and others before, during, and after, so that's well over five hundred cartoons.  

I don't know how prolific that makes me alongside guys like my buddy Phil "Overbarrel" or guys like Nik Zula or Endart (courtesy of OTK4U), but it is a bunch to do on one somewhat limited topic.  

So once in a while I had Guest Writers.  Here are a couple of my favorites.  Not all of them, so I can post more later!

"D&D" Editor Reesa Roberts had a contest about seven years ago she cleverly called "Name That 'Toon!"  
Here are the winners:

Here's one of the best from a great guy, Charlie "Tunasheart!"

And a topper from lovely Lady Larken!

More Larken Cleverness can be seen Here and Especially Here!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

And The Walls Come A-Tumblin' Down!

And PANTS, too!!

I think Belinda is getting spanked for breaking the fourth wall.  

(And it's adorable!!)

You know what the "fourth wall" is, right?  That's the imaginary boundary through which we watch the characters in a play or movie, or even those in comics or legit literature!  

And of course, "breaking the fourth wall" is where those characters acknowledge that you are watching them, and address you directly!

But it's not really a bad thing.  It's been done for dramatic and comic effect since Time Immemorial by the finest of people.  Why, Billy Shakespeare did it--

(That's Sir Ian McKellen as Richard the Third letting us in on his plot!)

George Burns used to do it on TV!

(I wonder if he was reminiscing about Bill spanking Gracie in a publicity photo for "International House" in 1933?) 

Woody did it a lot!

Ferris Bueller did it!

Dave and Maddie did it!

John Byrne had She-Hulk do it!

Even Mike as Austin Powers did it!

Let's do it-- let's break the wall!

(Bulldog Drummond and his phone will make sure we can catch up later.)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

How To Keep Wolfie-Warm!

DANG, it got cold everywhere all of a sudden!  

Like it's WINTER or something!  

Well, never fear!  I have a solution!

Saturday, December 26, 2015


I enjoy peeks "behind the scenes" and peeks at behinds, so here is a little of both:  the evolution of one of my WolfieToons!  

First, there's a finished, fairly "tight" pencil drawing.  A heavier paper is a good idea so that the ink will go on nice and smooth and not come to pieces under the eraser.  I used a 2-ply Bristol here. 

Now I went over it in ink, embellishing along the way:  I've experimented with a lot of pens and even brushes;  this was done with art pen that is a combination.  It has a flexible "nib" that creates thick and thin lines, depending on how you hold it.   The lines then give a pleasing illusion of depth and weight.  Drawing proper perspective is still elusive, but I'm impatient and had a deadline.  

Music in the background helps;  my "Pandora" stations include Beatles and Big Band swing.  

Then the pencil marks were erased and it was ready to scan.  Black ink boo-boos and unwanted bits can always be taken out with white paint, or, of course, with the computer.  I really prefer to have as little "touch-up" as possible.  

Finally comes the lettering and coloring, and behold!  A woman really enjoying herself.  You, too, I hope!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Final Preparations!

As you make any final preparations for Christmas,

Wolfie says it's best if you keep it simple!  Not everyone you know and have ever met needs to have something from a store,

and you certainly don't want stinging debt!

The important thing is to share fun with those you love best!

(That's one of my favorites, by the way!)
There are a lot of get-togethers this time of year, and it can be fun to get all dressed up.

That gown never left the house.  
But everyone had a good time, anyway, and there was a happy end.  
Ending. I mean;.

But when you do go out, remember to behave yourself.

And remember the camera or phone to preserve those special moments!

And to all a Good Night.