WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Eager Anticipation!

It's All Hallows' Eve Eve, Eve!

I mean, Elsa!  Sorry, didn't mean to catch you before you had a chance to finish getting ready!  

We'll wait a minute.

OK now?

Yes, you look ravishing!

Don't you think so, Boris?

"Oh, indubitably!  Shall I compare thee to a cold Autumn night?

Of course, by the time you see this post, it might actually be Halloween!

So, this post is, er, a Warm-Up!  Don't get carried away yet! 


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

That's The Spirit! Part Three! Sing Along!!

Casper the Kinky Ghost!
The kinkiest ghost you know!
Though Vanilla Types
think that he ain't right,
the Spankees all love him so!

He's horny, don'tcha know,
for a loving bit of tanning!
He'll give a warm, red glow
to any cutie's little fanny!

Dull Folks don't understand
why OTK is the most!
But Spankees know,
and they love him so,
Casper the Kinky Ghost!!

(The original)

Monday, October 28, 2019

That's The Spirit! Part Two!

What shall we call this bratty little spirit?

A Po-Po-Geist, maybe?

Maybe not.

It's a little known fact that spanking heat makes ectoplasm visible.

It's little known because I made it up.

But if several of us repeat it often enough, it becomes established fact.

Tomorrow you'll see a pervy little cartoon ghost avenging his pretty little playmate!

Well, if you look here, you will.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

"Listen to them-- squealing in the night! What music they make!"

That's a deliberate misquote, but apropos, as you shall see.

In Bram Stoker's novel, and most movie versions of "Dracula," the Count's three vampire wives try to attack the guest he's saving for himself, for his own designs.

They're, shall we say, fairly aggressive in the book, somewhat more subtle but still determined in the 1931 movie.  Dracula orders them away, and they obey, but what if afterwards, in a scene we didn't get to see, he decided to reinforce his position, putting each of them in certain positions?

Then it might have looked like this new scan of the pen-and-ink-wash WolfieToon from 2005!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

That's The Spirit! Part One

 Don't you relish that ol' Halloween Spirit?  Hot Dog!

There's a dramatic new cartoon for Thursday, but first I'll show off a couple maybe not everyone has seen!

The theme is Ghosts!

And here is the Tune that Inspired the 'Toon!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Facing the Music, Or, Who Was That Unmasked Man?

Here's something to help with the Holiday Mood!

Christine knew better than to pull the mask off the Ol' Lone Ranger.  

I mean, the mysterious Phantom.

But whatever she expected to find under there, I bet she didn't expect to find herself in this position!

Then again, he has been her secret music tutor, and she'll remember this lesson, for sure.

And Erik's baton might mark something besides tempo.

She's certainly hitting those high notes now!

Friday, September 13, 2019

"Taking A Stand," Featuring Selected Shorts

Short Shorts Redux!

What?  Shorts shorts on ducks??

No, "redux," that is, "brought back," "revived!"

I ran across this video I'd cobbled together some time ago for the Royal Teen's hit "Short Shorts," and decided it was so dandy that it should be on the WolfieBlog again!  

Who knows, it might be the first time somebody sees it!

(By the way, I'm getting no pay for this, and all copyrights with familiar faces and fannies belong to the various owners!)


(Click for the full screen view, natch!)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summer Slipping By!

As Summer dwindles, I consider the changes.

Some things I won't miss.  Sweltering, for instance.

Some things I might miss.

I don't know who this is, but she's pretty darn cute!

Just look at those freckles.  That was the first thing I noticed. 

I suppose we can always take some of the season along with us!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Larken Lyrics! Here's Some More-Ay!

Feel like Italian tonight?  Maybe you're feeling an Italian tonight? 

Either way, you're sure to enjoy this rendition of an old favorite as brilliantly parodied by the terrifically talented lady Larken!!

                                    THAT'S AMORE                                                   

by Larken 
(In Spankoli, where love is King, when Top Meets Imp, here's what they say~!)
When the moon hits His eye 'cause you're over His thigh
That's amore!
When He makes your tush shine 'cause you've had too much wine
That's amore!
Imps will sing, what's that thing, ouch what sting,
But they'll sing a cappella!
Imps will prance; they will dance, without pants
Like a hot tarantella!
When your Top is old school and He makes a new rule,
That's amore!
When you dance on His lap with each loud ouchy slap,
You're in love!
When you're spanked 'til you gleam,
It's your dream, and you might want some-more-ay
Scuzza me, but you see, back in old Spankoli
That's amore!
When His spoon makes you cry 'cause you did not comply
That's amore!
When His brush makes you whine 'cause you stepped out of line
That's amore!
Tops will say, "Imps obey."
You might stray, and 'cause you're not vanilla,
You'll be tipped,
Over all the way,
Spanked without delay,
He's a real Toppy fella!
You're an angel all day, and you just want to play
That's amore!
Then Top Logic appears and you're flipped OTK,
You're in love!
When you're life is a dream that's come true, you adore your Signore
You lie over His knee and you're spanked happily,
That's amore!

(If perchance you're rather young, or you've never waited in line listening to the music feed at Olive Garden, here's the original song!)