WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Self-Imposed "Discipline & Desire" Quality Control

Here's a wintertime WolfieToon that the members of "Discipline And Desire" enjoyed:


And here's one that got as far as this pencil workup, and I leaned back, looked at it, and thought, "AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHHhhhh, uh, No!"  But it is kinda funny, in a perverse, John Kricfalusi kind of way.


Whew, I'm glad nobody saw that!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Dollybums?!" Yep.

In this interview, both Erica Scott and Richard Windsor confessed that, as kids, they tried to understand their budding inclinations by having their dolls spank each other, or by spanking their dolls.  Well, Rich actually spanked a Teddy Bear.  (Holy A.A. Milne!)  I personally know of a fella who had Captain Action™ spank Barbie™ while G.I. Joe™ was off at the war.  This was before she met Ken™.  (By the way, the name of that fella has been withheld so that the innocent will not be found guilty.)

You say you also know of similar cases?  Well, guess what?  It's not as uncommon as you would suppose, nor is it only youngsters.  There's a Flickr group known as Dollybums.  The Web is indeed a weird and wonderous place.  Behold some examples:

I've seen a batch of Mermaid Spanking cartoons, which makes you wonder how it's accomplished, because fish generally are bereft of buttocks.  But if anyone could manage it, it would be another aquatic Creature. 

You think I'd know these characters, but I don't.  Your identifications are welcome. However, as a science fiction movie and cartoon buff I do know these two:

(And if you're unsure, that's Maria from the silent German classic "Metropolis," and Leela from Matt Groening's "Futurama!)   Here's a cousin of mine:

The next one is actually from this Wordpress blog!

I don't know about you, but I think there oughta be a "Toy Story" spin-off!

"That will be enough of that!  Come over here right now!"

Another First

Listen, my children, and you shall hear how Wolfie first paddled his girlfriend's rear!

This is a story from my teens... just after I lost my beloved pet mastodon in the La Brea tar pits.

Okay, that's not true.  We weren't that far west.  Anyway, I was a sophomoric sophomore in high school, and had fallen in love with a rambunctious, green-eyed redhead named Karen.  I had just barely gotten my driver's license and was still crashing into things.  I was also trying to learn the ways of a man with a maid, from proper etiquette to making out.

Karen was, in fact, my first love, brassy and loud and emotional and lots and lots of fun.  She was very much an extrovert, and I was very introverted.  I did manage to show off here and there, mostly on the stage.  In fact, we met in Drama Class.  Seems appropriate.

We both had braces on our teeth at that point, and don't you believe any of the stories you've heard about kids getting their braces locked together kissing.  It can't happen.  Karen and I really, really tried.

One evening, early in our short but dramatic relationship, we were sitting on the couch in her living room, talking and smooching.  Mostly smooching.  Suddenly she decided to get bratty somehow;  I think she hauled off and slapped me across the face.  You know, just horseplay.

Nevertheless, it was my cue for the line from my well-developed fantasies:  "All right, young lady-- you'd better knock it off!"

"Why?" she grinned. "What will you do about it?"

Holey socks, who gave her the script?  Are there women whose fantasies match mine?  Well, hot diggity, let's find out!

"Well-- I could give you a-- a spanking!"  Now, I didn't give that line a very good reading.  It was the first time I'd ever said it out loud, and choked a bit.  But, Jeez Louise, at that point just seeing the erotically-charge word "spanking" on a printed page sent me into a tizzy! 

She didn't immediately react, and, feeling a little embarrassed at being such a kinky pervert, I added, "Well, but, uh, I'd rather do this!" and hugged her close for another kiss.

"Shoot!" Karen retorted, wild mischief sparkling in her eyes, "I'd rather have the spanking!"

Hot damn, I had permission!

"Oookay, then!" I answered, and hauled Karen over my lap;  I think she made some sort of giggling. "Oh No!" faux-protest.  She was wearing white short shorts (another of my favorite fetishes!) and I recall thinking that her bottom looked rather different at this angle than I'd seen it before.

And so I began smacking each side of her round little rear.  Now, I don't remember how many swats I gave her, nor how hard or soft.  I was caught up in the moment, thrilled to be spanking this sassy lass over my lap.  I had spanked my younger sister once before, but that was-- well, that was like spanking your sister.  This was the real deal!

It never occurred to me afterwards, or later, to ever ask her, "So, does getting spanked turn you on?"  I was never secure nor bold enough to ask that question for years and years to follow.

But she did seem to enjoy it at the time!

More kissing and hugging followed, and later on, Karen's mother came home and joined us in the living room.  Then suddenly, Karen, the little brat, chirped to her mom, over my surprise and mortification, "Hey, you know what David did? He spanked me!!"

Before I could recover and mutter anything in self defense, her mom shot back, "Oh, good!  She's needed one of those for a long time now!"

And so, with Mama's Blessing, I spanked Karen as often as I could after that.  Not every day, but frequently.  In fact, her mother happened in on us once, as I was making sure Karen's jeans seat hadn't gotten all dusty.  Mrs. Karen's Mom repeated the line about Karen needing that.

More than that, when another young couple came over to visit later, Ma told 'em all about the spanking!  "I walked in here. and all I saw was that rear up in the air getting swatted!"  Karen more-or-less playfully smacked my face again, and the young lady of the couple visiting told me I should spank Karen more often!

Seems I was fully sanctioned.

Another memorable occasion was in the front seat of the car, in the movie theatre parking lot one night.  Karen had yanked the keys out of the ignition and shoved 'em down her bra.  She was wearing a green floral-print mini-dress with matching green floral-print panties. It was the early 70's, y'know, and we were stylin'!

Now, unless you've done it, you wouldn't think there would be room for spanking in the front car seat, but there is, and I went at it.  I even dared to pull Karen's miniskirt up, although, it had pretty much ridden up over her matching panty-clad bottom by then, anyway.

As I smacked her lovely panty seat, I noticed she was wearing them over her pantyhose.  Whether or not she was wearing any other undergarments besides, I never found out.  I never spanked a bare bottom until I got married.  I was a very proper little Wolfie.  Oh, okay, okay, mostly I was scared.

Well, three or four months after Karen and I began dating, my family moved away.  Karen and I wrote to each other every single day, and I went up to visit just before Christmas-- but by February, that first, fumbling romance was over.  Ah-- C'est la vie!

But there were better romances and spankings ahead!  Probably not as many at a time as Karen got, because I felt like I'd overdone just about everything with her, too much too fast, and wanted to have more solid relationships with the young ladies that followed. 

However-- they all had birthdays...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Things Third

Say what?  Well, for my third entry, I'm gonna post some of the first, rarely-seen Wolfe cartoons.  There are reasons they are rarely seen, but what the hey.

Not sure how I feel about that one now, called "Grace," but it got quite a few laughs from both the in-crowd and some non-spankos! 

That's one of the quick pencil sketches I had in Arild's Cartoon Spanking Yahoo group.  So is this one:

I went back later and reworked it thus:

And here is my first Avatar, done for a multiple-artist project celebrating the first anniversary of Arild's group!  Compare him with the gray fellow you've seen:

And, of course, one you've already seen around the web;  I've even seen it as some folk's home page picture on MySpace and such, which is funny!  I'd do it a lot better now, but anyone who draws and has the brains God gave geese can say that! 

Erica Scott and Devlin O'Neill star in "The Singing Teacher!"

Okay, that pic's actually from "STAND CORRECTED!"

(Singing) You Made Me Blog Here! I Didn't Wanna Do It! I Didn't Wanna Do It!

Well, okay, maybe I did.


Since MySpaz is performing a passive-aggressive suicide, and I enjoy commenting on Erica Scott's blog, and Ye Editor of the outstanding story site (and home of  the weekly WolfieToons), "Discipline And Desire" thought I oughta have one, here is the spankin' new Wolfie Blog.

Will there be stuff on here you haven't seen anywhere else, like on Chross's  Spanking Scouts Forum, or one of my favorite new sites, Spanking Panels, or the very kind reviews I've had from Dave's Cherry Red Report, the Chicago Spanking Review, and Devlin O'Neill's weblog?

Heck if I know, Beany.

I may grab some of the better stuff from the WolfieSpaz page if I can get the frakin' thing to stop freezing up my computer.  At some point I do want to feature Overbarrel's hilarious Poser Pics, and, make a salute to the other artists I had met on the long-gone Arild's Cartoon Spanking Yahoo Group, like Endart, Boom, Dan Rivera, Darth, and others! 

So we'll see (singing again) As Time Goes Byyyy!