WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Imprinting, Or, "What's All This About Rabbits, Then, Doc?!"

Remember a time, possibly before the InterWeb appeared, when you felt all alone in This Thing We Do?  One of the first long discussions I had with people here was trying to figure out, by Nature or Nurture, why such a silly thing as adult spanking could be so erotically charged.  We came to conclusions good enough, but one of the things that came up was how we might have been "imprinted" as Little Dudes Figuring Things Out.

It can be a complex mater, but I do tend to think that exposure to such images as these must have had some effect...


                                                                  Oh, Hello!!

Well, in any case, we certainly would have had our particular proclivities revealed to us!

(Excerpt from "Hare Brush," last year's Easter WolfieToon at "Discipline And Desire" -- and you can see the preview of the new one over there now!)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Topical 'Toon

The WolfieToon at this week's "Discipline And Desire" update is a topical 'toon to relieve some of the stress for those who feel overtaxed by life in general and the Gummint in particular!

Monday, April 4, 2011

So What'll Come Up This Year?

My phriend Phil says you can tell the phella in this week's WolfieToon at "Discipline And Desire" is a phine gardener by the technique he is using to plant swats on that lovely spring-rosey bottom.

And what do you suppose might be the yield?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Betty, Veronica, Dan DeCarlo and Wolfie! (Illustrated Profusely)

Sexy spanking intrigued me before I knew what sex was.  Drawing cartoons has also been a life-long passion, so naturally those two came together early on.  The first "WolfieToons" were derived from comics ( comparatively cheap and ubiquitous back then, "sold at newsstands everywhere") and my trusty pad of tracing paper!

 (What the first "WolfieToons" might have looked like if I'd found this panel from "Tom, Dick and Harriet," drawn by Lee Holley.  And, yeah, the dialogue would have been about that "clever.")

Now, all the fabulous flying female crimefighters were wont to strike spankable poses--

--and so were the cuties of the "teen humor comics!"    Of course, the most popular and most imitated of those were the Archie group, in particular, "Betty and Veronica!"  

I would have plotzed to have seen those two actually get spanked, and it did happen on some extremely rare occasions!  

For instance-- cutting a long story short-- at a Daddy-Daughter Dance, Veronica gives her pop, Mr. Lodge, a LOUD earful of grief, thinking he's Archie in disguise (told you, long story) and he restores the equilibrium:  

Nor was that the only time we got to see Ronnie spanked!  Well, more or less.  Huge thanks to Web-Ed of Chicago Spanking Review for posting these pictures during this discussion at "Spanking Panels!"  (Join up for free, and you'll see all the pics!) 

You know, it's so nice to see Mr. Lodge try to teach rich brats the value of things! 

Although I never saw any Betty and Veronica spankings back then, I did admire and copy the brilliant cartooning of a talent whose name I later learned was Dan DeCarlo.  

Dan joined the Archie Group in the late 50's, and although that story didn't end well, his work became their "house style," meaning all the artists had to try to copy him.  It's said his cute, curvy girls with their turned-up noses were based on his wife Josie. In fact, he gave one of his characters her name.  She got some Pussycats and made a band later.  (Again, thanks to Web-Ed for the following pin-up from this page at the CSR Forum!)  

Now, before he went over to Archie, Dan was doing "Millie the Model" for Atlas Comics (which later became Marvel Comics) and single panel cartoons for another group of magazines Martin Goodman was also publishing, for an older audience!

But that was before my time, and I never knew he did that.  Imagine my delighted surprise when the first thing I saw at that new website, Shadow Lane, was a copy of this Dan DeCarlo cartoon!


That particular copy-- slighty dizzy from the scanning-- is from Happy Jolly's page!  Some of these are, too, and the others I've had in my collection for a while!  Enjoy!  I'll be back!


And so the circle was complete, and I loved Dan even more!

He's one of my many cartoonist heroes, for his superb draftsmanship and outstanding humor!  He kept that slightly naughty sense of humor all the way to the end, by the way.  When fans at the comic conventions would meet him and ask for a sketch of Josie, or Betty and Veronica, I'm told he would grin and ask, "Do you want her nude?"  Sometimes they said, "Sure!!" 

Although that one's only a peek! 

And now, if you feel like foolin' around-- check out the new WolfieToon and the story snippets at this week's "Discipline And Desire" update!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quite Possibly the Stupidest Cartoon I Ever Did

Michael wanted to see this.  He'll be more careful of his wishes next time. 

Soooo,,, from "Discipline And Desire" in 2007...

(Yes, the bulldog is reading Go, Dog, Go!  And if you never have, you should.)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Birthday Greetings

Well, I feel a little silly blowing my own horn (insert joke here) but I did want to share some of the greetings for you to enjoy, too!

(That is not my creation, but pretty cool!)

Big thanks to Season and Michael and all the merry Imps and Tops for the colorful card at Blossom and Thorn!

That post included this inspiring image from Zelle!

Now my buddy "Overbarrel" Phil sent me the following story, inspired by our mutual retail history and thoughts for improving asset protection. (Insert another joke here.)  Note the Barrel of Fun in this room! 

I may be amending this post later--but in the meantime, a big thanks to you all!


Here's an amendment and an addition, March 24th-- a cheery and colorful greeting from the hand of Dave at Cherry Red Report!  Thanks very much, Dave!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Jeannie just saw the WolfieToon at this week's "Discipline And Desire" update!

                                Or maybe someone just swatted her bottom.

                                        I'm gonna check for fingerprints!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Singing Cowpoke Spanks!

I was telling Springrose about this movie just the other night, and then, lo and behold, perusing Spanking Blog, I found the publicity photo from "Sagebrush Troubadour," starring Gene Autry and Company in 1935!  It's a musical western mystery.  Really.   

Now, it's not the best cowboy movie spanking ever, nor even Gene's best, but it has the greatest spanking tag-line ever!  

Warning!  If you're going to try to catch this on TV, Netflix, or run out and buy the DVD and do NOT want "Spoilers," read no further!

Gene and his sidekick Smiley Burnette (named "Frog" in this story) are ridin' and singin' along, headin' fer th'  big Pepper Spread to get cowpoke work, when, Suddenly!!  A stagecoach comes careening down on them!  They dive out of the way, and the hellcat blonde driving the stage-- Joan Martin-- is whooping and whipping the team into a mad fury! 

Gene tells Smiley-Frog he's gotta stop that thing before somebody gets hurt!  Spurring his great horse Champion into action, they tear down the road in a cloud of dust,  and overtake the stage!  Gene leaps into the shotgun seat, grabs the reins and halts the creaky juggernaut!! 

Joan is completely unrepentant, so Gene decides to change her mind about things with a good, hard spanking! 


Just as Gene (and Joan) are getting warmed up, the grizzled old stage driver pops out of the passenger carriage and demands to know why Gene's spanking "Miss Barbara Pepper!"  Yep-- Joan's character is the granddaughter of the big ranch founder, the place our two heroes were headin' fer!  She says she's gonna tell on him, and fix him good!!

As the stage rolls away (now at a much more reasonable pace) Gene laments, "Gee, Frog, we're in trouble now!"

"WELL," croaks Smiley-Frog, "It just goes to show ya-- Ya shouldn't spank girls ya haven't been introduced to!"

And that is the best tag-line ever.

The spanking itself, as you see above, was awkwardly staged (HAR!) with Gene doing some odd cross-armed fanny-whapping. They did it a lot better for the publicity photo:

Thanks to SpankBoss for finding that!

By the way, if you want to see some of this on Daily Motion, it's here!  But whoever loaded it up cut the clip short, before Smiley's classic line.  (Slowly shakes his head)  That just ain't right.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wolfie O'Gill and the Little People!

Sure 'n' along with th' foin tales of ribaldry you'll be after seein' at "Discipline And Desire" this week, is a WolfieToon in which one o' the Wee Folk makes an appearance!  Nor is it th' only time it's happened, at all, at all!

                                              And a Happy St. Paddy's to ye!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quoting Sean Connery: "Something big just came up!"

Where are going to find a fascinating blog entry combining fetish cartoonist Eric Stanton, his studio mate Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange), Irving Klaw, and Bettie Page?

Why, rat cheer at this link to PermanentObscurity.com!  

Enjoy!  And tell 'em Wolfie sent ya!