WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bruce Canes!

First of all, this post is MUCH ado about NOTHING:  the scene detailed below lasts all of three seconds, and only we Spankophiles would particularly notice it with special glee.  .  

However, I haven't seen anyone else do anything with it, so I will.

There was a TV cartoon show at the turn of the century (it sounds funny to say that, huh!) called "Batman Beyond."  It takes place in Gotham City in 2039, as an old Bruce Wayne guides a young man, Terry McGinnis,  who takes over the bat-role in a futuristic, flying batsuit.  

It was done, and done very well, by Bruce Timm and Company for Warner Brothers Animation, who did several very cool and entertaining series with the DC Comics superheroes.

The pics are from the first episode,  when a cycle gang called "The Jokerz" try to run old Bruce down.  He clonks the guys in the head, and smacks the clown girl across the butt and off her bike.  :)) laughing  I'll put this in context to make it more fun;  if you don't care, you can just scroll on down!

Terry has run afoul of the Jokerz, a gang reminiscent of the playful hoodlums of "A Clockwork Orange."  They dress in honor of that now-gone maniac with the green hair and weird sense of humor, and catch up with Terry outside a creepy old mansion outside of the city.

The owner of said mansion suddenly appears and warns them away.

"Hey, old man-- we're the Jokerz!"

"Sure you are." 

The attack by the entire gang begins, and is quashed.

Don't mess with Bruce Wayne.

Even when he's elderly.


  I love Bruce Timm's designs:  very simple and eloquent lines that say a lot, and work exceedingly well in animation.  

For comparison's sake, here's Bruce Wayne in his prime.  The lad next to him is the second Robin, Tim Drake.  Dick Grayson had outgrown the role and gone off on his own as Nightwing.

So, yes-- that's Bruce and Tim by Bruce Timm.

First surrogate son, Dick Grayson, Nightwing.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Mystery of the Buttoned Butt!

You'll notice the woman in this week's WolfieToon at "Discipline And Desire" has a decorative button-- well, presumably two-- on her shorts.  It connects nothing, holds nothing in place;  its only purpose is to draw attention, which is why I drew it..

Now, throughout History women have decorated their behinds.  There have been bustles and bows, patterns and polka dots, and these kids today even use printing like "PINK," and yes, I have used that as a joke in a Wolfie Cartoon.  The reason for all this augmentation is obvious, but what puzzles me is the occasional reaction to the reactions.  

Of course, I'm not talking about taking liberties with strangers!  That would be gauche at the very least, and could even put you in the pokey, Pokey.  But when someone with whom you are intimately connected responds with a haughty glare or outraged rejoinder to your appreciative compliments and possible pats of praise, it causes consternation.  

This is not always the reaction, but when it happens, my belief is that it's an extension of the original motivation:  to teasingly entice.  The fella must play the game, and it might even end up with him supplying a firm and loving, totally respectful spanking.

Or am I misreading?  Wimin is a mystery.  

Anyhow, enjoy the decorated derriere, the five new members' stories, and the free first chapters of two "Discipline and Desire" books:

The guy in Dulcie Taylor's "I'll Be Stronger Tomorrow" has one of the best entrances I've seen, and speaking of titillating Tops, the fella in Oona West's "Celtic Seduction" is an appealing rogue!  Naturally, I enjoy the gals, myself.

And if you pronounced "Celtic" with an "s" instead of a "k" sound, you're a basketball fan or maybe a girl in a little tartan skirt who should come to Principal Wolfie's office. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Whappy New Year!

And here we are are in the fabled future of 2012, with personal rocket packs, silver ballet tights space suits, Robby the Robot butlers and maids who look like Julie Newmar as "My Living Doll."

And if you're not seeing all that, you must be in a different timeline than I, or your New Year's Eve party wasn't as good.

Anyway, it's good to know that some stuff will always remain with us, eh?

Naturally, there's a new update at "Discipline and Desire" with a WolfieToon featuring a very considerate cowboy, five new members' stories, and two free intriguing chapters from "D&D" books I like a lot:  Robin Smith takes you along on the drive to "Millennium Falls" with her appealing characters, and Mandy Rogers has a very nice first spanking remembered in "First and Forever Love!"

Enjoy, and remember, Black Eyed Peas are not just a rock group.

Monday, December 26, 2011

And a Happy Nude Rear!!

Hey, that's pretty horny, huh?

If I do say so myself!

Anyhow, I hope your year-end holiday celebrations (or, as Erica Scott points out, contentedly ignoring the hype) are bringing you as much warmth and joy!

Now, you can curl up in the rocker with a warm libation, click on the blue letters to get over to the  "Discipline And Desire" updates and enjoy NINE free "D&D" story chapters by some of my favoritest authors there!

Oh, and more WolfieToonage, of course.

The cartoon this week, by the way, is a nod to Kay Kyser, a band leader whose "Kollege of Musical Knowledge" was remarkably popular in the glory days of radio.  After he happily retired, and TV took over, he was all but forgotten.  Even esoteric I wouldn't have heard of him, save for the couple of movies he made showing up on TCM!  

The WoofieBlog-- It's fun AND educational! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tunes and 'Toons for your Xmas Baking!

I just love how spanking cartoons are showing up everywhere!  And, no, the one with Bettie and Santa that they used in this snazzy Wanda Jackson and the Continentals vid isn't mine. 

Dig it!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Double Your RDA of Wolfie!

(In some studies doubling your RDA of Wolfie has caused eyestrain, palpitations, and upholstery damage.  Consult a physician if normal behavior cannot resume after four hours.  Attempts to recreate some WolfieToon situations in actual life may result in severe TexAveryitis.)

With that out of the way, I'm pleased and proud to direct you to the third issue of The LSF Wellred Weekly with Fun Aplenty and another interview with me!  But go look anyway, it's all free!  You can register, and that's free, too, to comment on things.

The Wellred Weekly, by the way, is produced by the Kilahara Library of Spanking Fiction, and I was tickled to be asked to participate and delighted to appear!  

Now, in case you haven't seen this week's "Discipline and Desire" update, the week is nearly over and so you must be rather busy, and I can't help that much.  However, I can tell you that there are girls in ski pants in the WolfieToon

(see, I told you), five new Members' stories-- including three Christmas-themed tales!-- and a free chapter for everyone to enjoy that really is about Discipline and Desire!  Kira Barcelona starts "Never Too Late" by including you in Kit and Ashley's shopping trip to a Naughty Store and just gets better from there!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wolfieversary: A Gray Celebration

Well, this blog has been around for a year now, and to mark the event, I went rummaging through the old cardboard box and found some stuff nobody's seen, or at least not very many bodies:  old cartoons from Arild's Moviespanking Yahoo Group, forgotten sketches, abandoned drawings, and unfinished cartoons that I may resuscitate.  Like this one:

Here's a somewhat appropriate birthday 'toon:

Here are some undone cartoons:


You heard about that group making sweaters for penguins?  Here's a couple helping some penguins warm up, too:


This woman is getting mixed signals:

Preliminary drawing for a "Discipline and Desire" cartoon: 

This is the pencil version of the semi-famous Tinker Bell pic.  I don't remember if I had it up at Arild's before I did the more finished version.  Tink is less giggly here:

Warm-up type things with attitudes: 

I'm pretty sure these two haven't ever been shown.  This is Wonder Woman disciplining her young protege / sister Wonder Girl, as they looked in the comics of the mid 60's.  I never chose to go back and fix the perceived problems here, but I like the attitudes:  WW's matronly demeanor, and WG's  squirming protest.  The shape of her bottom and legs I like, too.

Later, I decided maybe Wonder Girl would like a turn:

Speaking of sisterly spanking, the one below is the THE oldest WolfieToon I have.  In fact, my nosey young teenage son had found it and demanded later (trying to get my goat) "Dad, what's wrong with you, drawing little girls spanking each other?!"  I was embarrassed at the time, but I still declined to mention his own oddities.  Heh heh.

And here is the SECOND oldest cartoon in my collection.  Yes, these are fairly ugly, but they were done quickly and for no one but me at the time.  

Now the THIRD oldest cartoon.  I apologize to those of you for whom F/f spanking has no appeal, but you know, I don't have a problem with it myself, says he grinning wolfishly. 

This 'toon is from Arild's.  I sought to evoke the feeling of those fabled days of the early 70's when I began to have a persistent if not constant... awareness.  Sara Cherilyn gets her first spanking:  

Speaking of Arild's and superheroes, here's a spot of color amid the gray:  a scene in which mild mannered Springrose dashed into a nearby phone booth* to emerge as Superspringie, only to fall prey to the evil Blitzerwolf!  Believe it or not, I had a Fairly Vanilla Friend who saw this and remarked, 'Wow, THAT doesn't look like fun!  That looks like it HURTS!!" : 

(*You Younger Crowd who have never heard of a "phone booth" will just have to Yahoo it.)

A huge thank-you to all of you who have taken the time to read, to comment, to check out "Discipline and Desire" and the Lulu books!  To make hearts and bottoms warm is my joy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is This The Eternal Struggle?

Well, no, it isn't.  It's detail from the new WolfieToon at this week's Discipline and Desire" update!

I think you should treat yourself to the magical opening chapter of Robin Smith's  "Hopler's Happy Toads" -- I love seeing a bastard get his!-- and then nicker and snicker out west where milking a cow is only the first surprise awaiting a city gal in April Hill's "Borrowed Bride!"

You can also see the excerpts from the five new stories-- including two holiday-themed tales-- or if you're a "D&D" member, you get the whole shebang!

I used to go with a shebang.  Holey socks!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's "Sting Along With Mitch!"

Those of you in my demographic group might snicker at that title-- or not-- and you youngsters, never mind, go with it and join us singing!  Just follow the bouncing bottom!

We gather together to see Wolfie spankings,
to grin and to giggle at erotic play!
All of our  Imps are now no longer cranky,
with their pink bottoms glowing on Spanksgiving Day!

This week's "Discipline and Desire" update includes two appropriate holiday offerings among the five new members' stories-- salacious snippets of which are under the, if I do say so myself, adorable WolfieToon-- and there are two entire and entirely free chapters of "D&D" E-books to whet your appetite!

You'll like Jack and Trudy, and their preparations for "A Thanksgiving Wedding," by Kristin York!  

You can't judge a book by its cover, I hear, but I was surprised and intrigued at how April Hill begins "How Does Your Garden Grow?"

See ya later, gators!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Overbarrel Guest Post: Springrose's Birthday!!

Happiest of birthdays to my dearest friend and companion, the lovely Springrose (the only one who knows to whom the voice of the invisible Shadow belongs.)

("What??"  "Ignore it, that's one of Wolfie's non sequiturs."  "Okay... what??")

As always, Phil "Overbarrel" has produced a Minor Epic in her honor, so come with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear as the Lone Ranger Rides Again!!

(By the way, it's probably best to click on each pic-- or right click and "open in a new tab"--  for the bigger version and more legible lettering!!) 

Hey, good to know Ol' Kemo Sabe is still fast on the straw, eh?  Well, hopefully, not too fast... 

For more Overbarrel Goodies, you can peek at THIS PREVIOUS POST or HEAD OVER TO PHIL'S YAHOO GROUP COLLECTIONS or to THE OVERBARREL GALLERY at the Chicago Spanking Review Forum!