WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe
Showing posts with label cute cartoon bottoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cute cartoon bottoms. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2022


Today (the 18th) being the extended deadline, I would guess everybody's done with income taxes now, or else made some sort of arrangements.  

Like, maybe packing PJs for the pokey! 

Remember last year they gave us an extra month because 2020 had been such a frakin' mess?

And, other tropical 'toons:

Here's an old cartoon with new topical dialogue!

I'm proud of that firm's slogan.

It seems the clients are firm, too.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

St. Pat and Dev'lish Dev!!

 Besides today being St. Paddy's Day,

 'tis also Devlin O'Neill's birthday!!

Pop on over to his blog and wish him the happiest returns of the day!  

And if you'd like a present for yourself, click on these blue letters and explore all Dev's Books on Amazon!  You'll dance for Joy!  Maybe for Kathleen, too!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Speaking of Love~!

Naturally, Romance gets a lot of attention on February 14th, not to mention all the card and candy sales!

But we ll know Love isn't limited to calendar days!

Which is good, because I didn't do a new 'toon for it in time, nor did I feel like running the reruns.  You know, like this:

But to celebrate love, here's a parody 'toon of a tune from one of my favorite Olde Tyme Broadway Shows!  


Friday, December 24, 2021

On Santa's Lap!

More than a couple of Christmases ago, darling Springrose and I were discussing the phenomena of Santa as Spanker. 

I know that in some cultures, Santa and Krampus have been in cahoots--

--with each each doling out rewards or punishment. 

In other places, St. Nick himself distributes all the goodies!

But I had never really thought of the Jolly One as a figure in erotic spanking fantasy, myself!  

But Springrose told me, "You know-- it just somehow works!"  

Yes, evidently!!

That last one might be my favorite Christmas Card Greeting of all time!  What an adorable couple!

Well, there was another pairing that I love--  Richard Windsor and Pixie Wells!!

Pixie Had a great time!

Didn't she?

Sure she did!!

Anyway, since Santa obviously enjoyed putting pretty posteriors over his lap, and wasn't doing much with Coca-Cola anymore, 

I became one of several cartoonists who employed him from time to time!

For instance, here's that Sequel to a previous WolfieToon, an answer to the "Christmas Letter" that Veronica wrote!

 My dear friend Phil "Overbarrel" insisted on that sequel!  Santa was over at his studio, too!

Occasionally Santa would make use of his Helpers-- 

--so that he could go enjoy the holiday himself!!

Merry Christmas, cats!

Monday, July 19, 2021

Alien Abduction!!

To close the gap mentioned in the previous Sci-Fi post, a new WolfieToon with an Alien and Straaaange Experimentation!

Thursday, July 8, 2021

"Oh, William, the Pain! The Pain!!'

Today, the wonderful and redoubtable Erica Scott was musing on the alarming TV cartoon violence we Baby Boomers took in stride in our youth.  Taken seriously, of course, someone being flattened under a falling safe or having his nose blown off by a stick of dynamite would be horrific.

But my idea is that the alleged violence portrayed in the works of Messrs. Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Dave Fleischer, et al., is hilarious because of the surprise, because it's so outrageously exaggerated, and, because it's so often Just Desserts for Reprehensible Characters, provides a satisfying release without anyone being really hurt.

As a demonstration, I'll rerun this particular WolfieTroon featuring Exaggerated and Unnecessary Cartoon Violence.  The Language, however, has been made Acceptable For All Audiences.

And Erica responded, "Okay, that's damn funny!"

Monday, July 5, 2021

National Bikini Day!

 Well, according to my Calendar of Odd Holidays, today, July 5th, is National Bikini Day!

Gee, I just put up a bunch of Swimsuit Spankin' WolfieToons a coupla posts ago... maybe there's a few I didn't include?

Enjoy the sun and fun!!