WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

A Nifty Nugget From The Twenty-Tens, A Bedazzling Birthday Ballad By Lovely Larken, Here on W-O-F-Eeee!

You guys and dolls don't know what you're missing!

Larken wrote a "Green Eggs And Ham" spoof about "Good Girl Spankings" that hasn't been published, and it's loads of fun!  Maybe if she knows someone who might give it some Psuedo-Seuss Drawrings~~?

But in the meantime, I'll repeat her birthday gift for me from a while back, a Peter Yarrow pastiche, a bit of whimsey about the wizard-like Wolfie!


Thursday, March 17, 2022

St. Pat and Dev'lish Dev!!

 Besides today being St. Paddy's Day,

 'tis also Devlin O'Neill's birthday!!

Pop on over to his blog and wish him the happiest returns of the day!  

And if you'd like a present for yourself, click on these blue letters and explore all Dev's Books on Amazon!  You'll dance for Joy!  Maybe for Kathleen, too!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Speaking of Love~!

Naturally, Romance gets a lot of attention on February 14th, not to mention all the card and candy sales!

But we ll know Love isn't limited to calendar days!

Which is good, because I didn't do a new 'toon for it in time, nor did I feel like running the reruns.  You know, like this:

But to celebrate love, here's a parody 'toon of a tune from one of my favorite Olde Tyme Broadway Shows!  


Wednesday, January 26, 2022