WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Eyes of Sasses Are Upon You

The eyes have it in this week's WolfieToon.  

Fingers are involved, too, and tongues and noses and paws, and-- of course-- a perfect pear of a derriere.  

You can see it all for yourself at this week's "Discipline and Desire" update, as well as snippets of salacious stories members get to enjoy, including one of the "First Time Spanking Series" by Michelle Carlyle, and free chapters from "Borrowed Bride" by April Hill and Maren Smith's "Angel of Hawkhaven!" 


A Golden Birthday! (Plus a Pastiche!)

That's  Brandy Golden--  author,  gamer,  feisty cowgirl, and another of my very best-loved friends!  Today is her birthday! 
'Twas she who introduced me to Josh Smith, Reesa Roberts, and all the gang at "Discipline And Desire!"   We had met at the Western-Themed Yahoo Group, Spankville County!   Four years ago when I missed her birthday, I decided to add insult to injury with a Dr. Seuss pastiche and I repeat it here for people whose breakfasts have already settled.
"How D-Wolfe Caught Brandy!"
By Dr. Wolfe

All the Brangels in Bratsville liked Birthdays a lot,
but D-Wolfe, who lived outside of Bratsville, forgot!
Then he looked at his calendar, cried aloud, "D'OH!"
"I've missed Brandy's birthday two years in a row!!"

"Three weeks ago now," thought D-Wolfe, "give or take!
She must have had presents, loud singing, and cake!
I bet that she partied with Tom, Dick, and Fred
who also made sure that her jeans-seat was red!"

And the more D-Wolfe thought of this missed birthday treat,
the more D-Wolfe thought, "This is darned incomplete!
She's a lovely li'l Brangel, so thoughtful and sweet!
I MUST find some way to go love-pat her seat!"

Then D-Wolfe got an idear! An awful idear!
A wonderfully awful, Wolfie Idear!

"There's still some June left!" he thought, gaining hope,
"No need to sit here on my tail and just mope!
I'll ride into Bratsville before it is dawn,
and deliver the spanking that should have been drawn!"

So he gathered his papers and pencils and gear
and chuckled while thinking of Brandy's cute rear!
Out the door for his horse he strode with a will,
still laughing aloud, then he whistled for Bill.

Down the hill he did gallop, his furry face set
for the small town of Bratsville and Brandy to get!
"I wonder," he wondered, because it was hot,
"If Brandy is wearing pajamas or not?"

Then pulling Bill up near a house made of cake,
he thought to himself, "What a big thing to bake!"
He crept to the roof and listened a while,
the cute snoring inside curled his lips with a smile.

Down the chimbley he slid, as practiced Wolves do,
then stuck his head out of the fireplace flue!
'Cross the room he did creep, yellow eyes in the dark
gleaming with glee at his planned Birthday Lark!

The bundle in bed he tapped on the seat,
"Happy Birthday!" he cried and he threw back the sheet.

Then he stared--

No Brandy or Brangel lie there on the bed,
but a big bunch of pillows were piled up instead!

The end of a gun poked his head from behind!
"Paws up!" cried Brandy "And you'd better mind!"
"Why Brandy, my love!" said D Wolfe with a grin,
"I brought you a drawing! I'm glad you were in!"

"Cut the crap!" growled the Brangel, "Wolfie, you creep!
Trying to spank me while I was asleep!"
"What! Never!" said Wolfie, his fuzzy lips pursed,.
"For spanks on your birthday, you'd be awake first!"

"That's it!" shouted Brandy "You horrible Louse,
here's what you get for invading our house!"
Before Wolfe could move, she fired off her gun--
a flash in the dark and then it was done!

His face was all sticky and gooey and pink,
but hold on, dear reader, it's not what you think!
The gun Brandy held was a fine baker's tool
to decorate cakes and D-Wolfe, the fool!

So now Wolfie stood with his face finely iced,
licked his lips and mumbled, "Now, that wasn't nice!
A bad shock like that is not what I need!"
But Brandy was laughing too hard now to heed.

While helpless with laugher, the Brangel was caught
and D-Wolfe told her sternly, "Funny it's not!
My whiskers are sticky, and shaky my hands!
Now you WILL get a spanking, just like I'd planned!"

He then wrestled Brandy down over his lap
and suddenly came on the lights with a snap!
All of Bratsville, or leastways, that's how it seemed,
were now in the room, and "Surprise!" they all screamed.

They all joined Brandy in howling with glee
and D-Wolfe looked down at the girl on his knee.
"We knew you were coming!" she managed to choke,
"And so turned YOUR plan to OUR practical joke!"

D-Wolfe sat and pondered how they could possibly know
of a plan he'd concocted an hour ago!

He puzzled and thought til his puzzler was sore,
then Wolfe thought of someone he hadn't before:

"My horse! It was Bill! I see! What the hell!
That really tears it, I'm taking his cell!"

And what happened then? Well, in Bratsville they claim
that Brandy got spanked by D-Wolfe just the same!

Her birthday was over, but then, so was she,
ready and waiting on D-Wolfie's knee!
And when she'd had all of the spanks she could take,
he-- himself-- D-Wolfe- cut the cake!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Holey socks and shredded shoestrings!  I just found out the WolfieBlog has been chosen as the flavor of the month at The Spanking Bloggers Network!

This is the best surprise I've had since getting in line at the water park!

I'm thrilled!  The Spanking Bloggers Network  has a long list of  highly entertaining members, some of whom I haven't seen since the "Southern California Spanked Wives (And Girlfriends) Club!"  My secretarial staff is very excited by the announcement, too.

The thing of it is, I didn't even know I was in the running;  I was a little busy this week. 

I think Season and Michael might be the crafty surprise-party plotters!

But in any case, my sincere thanks to everyone who voted to provide this magical moment!

Say-- is there some ceremony that goes with all this?  I'll have to go help Springrose decide what to wear to the event!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thwackety Whack!

(Don't talk back!)

Besides a WolfieToon with a sound effect reminiscent of a Coasters song, this week's update at "Discipline and Desire" features some scintillating stories for the start of summer-time and free chapters for you to sample from "Feisty Fables" and "For the Love of Giving!"  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Overbarrel Birthday Post!

Today is the birthday of a man who has made the world a much more enjoyable place to be, not only with his drop-you-on-the floor humor, be it understated sarcasm or slapstick silly, but also with his deep compassion, fierce loyalty and love, and all the qualities that make him a fine human, husband, father, grandpa (!!) and someone I am honored to count as my dear friend.

Happy birthday, Phil!  You may know him as "Overbarrel!"

That's one example of his artwork;  there is more at this earlier WolfiePost!  

Oh-- and he plays the trumpet just like this!!

Well, that might be somewhat exaggerated, but the rest is absolutely true.  

Now, click on that last link again and keep THIS image in mind!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why You Should Read the Cherry Red Report Interview at MarQe's Study!

A bunch of you have already seen the interview MarQe's Study did with Dave of the Cherry Red Report!  If NOT, 'tis here!

And since MarQe called Dave the Letterman of Spanking Blogs, I present the Top Five Reasons You Should Click the Link! (Yes, it should be Ten, but it's a been a long day.)

Number Five:
To see if Dave gives as good as he gets.  (Interviews;  but if you know any other stories... )

Number Four:
To find out how Juggling Dave keeps his balls in the air (nudge, nudge, wink, wink)

Number Three:
To see what Cherry read.

Number Two:
To see what soft wear Dave favors--  besides, of course, denim daisy dukes on dames' derrierres.

And, the Number One Reason to Click the Link and Read Dave's Cherry Red Report Interview at MarQe's Study:
There's nothing new on Wolfie's dang blog, anyway!

Oh, and if you missed three other recent and entertaining interviews, check the links in the entry two below!! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

LOL Wolfie

Well, technically, this is an "LOLCat" by Wolfie.

To get a fuller picture, plus funny and squirmy flights of fancy, have a look at this week's update at "Discipline And Desire!"

It seems everyone enjoyed the conversation Season, Michael and I had, but if you missed it because you were out of town, or out of your mind (heh) pop over and take a gander here!  While you're there, you can learn about the new fad, "Planking!"  Most interesting thing to come along since streaking, thirty-seven years ago. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blossom and Thorn Wolfie Interview!

Season and Michael at Blossom and Thorn are two of the finest and funniest people you'll ever meet, and I am pleased to a ridiculous degree, and likewise proud, to tell you that they invited me into their living room for a rollicking chat! 

They are splendid hosts, and we had more than a ton of fun, which you can enjoy, too, by clicking this link!

I took along a bunch of WolfieToons, some of which you've seen--

--but there are also some you haven't!  

By the way, if somehow you missed the remarkably entertaining interviews done recently with Erica Scott and Bonnie of "My Bottom Smarts", those links will catch you up!  


Flashback II: Revenge of the Scopitones

In the 60's, I felt my first oncoming thrusts of manhood, and while it really didn't take a lot to get my attention, the kicky birds featured in the musical productions every afternoon on Dick Clark's "Where The Action Is" were particularly ginchy!

Unbeknownst to me at the time, there were 16MM film clips of current hit songs running in clubs in a sort of jukebox called "Scopitones!"  They were actually more popular in Europe, but there were some in the U.S.  Fortunately, this bit of pop culture has been preserved and is now readily available at YouTube!  These are racier bits than one would have seen on broadcast television at the time.  Fairly facetious now, but then-- Ooh La La!

This Nancy Sinatra tune holds up very well

As for Freddy and Roberta... I stare transfixed, but for somewhat different reasons now than I might have at age 14.  And some of the same reasons.

Click the links and marvel at the ancestors of MTV, you know, way back when it showed music vids.

Hm...Y'know, one of my aunts had that exact hairstyle!


.(Ed Sullivan voice) And now... for all you Youngsters... who missed this back in the 60's... courtesy of Scopitones and the fellow at YouTube... Nino Ferrer!

(Yeah, click the link, Baby!)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Beaming Buckaroo

So why is this cowpoke so goldanged happy?

Could it have anything to do with this?


You'll have to have a peek at this week's update at "Discipline And Desire", which also features some exceptionally--  involving stories!  Everyone will enjoy them, but I think the ladies will especially enjoy these tales written by (and for) women!