WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cats And Imps

This detail from the new WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" brings to mind certain similarities:  a Cat is very Impy, and Imps can be rather Feline.  

And yet, there is a difference, expressed in the words of that famous Old TV Show Theme Song that I just made up:   

A cat is a cat, that's that, that's that
and you might as well talk to your tattered hat
as try to order about a cat as contrary as an Imp!

There's never a Brat more bold than that
whiskery one you'll find on the mat!
Just try a chat with the awful cat more contrary than an Imp!

People trying to train a cat will waste the time of day!
And Imps might think you will never whap if they all act the same way! 

A cat is a cat, that's that, that's that
But Impsters respond to a loving pat!
She'll never call you a dirty rat

If you go and do this:

Spank a contrary Imp!

So go ahead with the horseplay!

And if you're not sure how to proceed, I bet you'll find Inspiration from the story snippets at "D&D," as well as the complete first chapter of Maren Smith's "THE RAFFLE," and that of Robin Smith's "MILLENNIUM FALLS!"

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Let's Face It!

Do you recognize this person?

Oh, that's the wrong shot, maybe not.

Well, anyway, I'm no JACK DAVIS, I'm no MORT DRUCKER, nor TOM RICHMOND, nor MARIE SEVERIN, but I really wanted to do a caricature for the gag in this week's WolfieToon at  "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"  (Which came from a chance remark lovely Springrose made!)

So I'd thought I'd show some of the struggle to achieve that here;  not that anyone gives a rat's patootie, but at least the work and paper used in the process won't be wasted.  

I collected photo references of the Fella I Had In Mind, noting the shape of the features and their relationships:  how the head was kinda round, the ears were kinda big, how the hairline looked, that the eyes were set fairly high up and wide apart, and the mouth was also wide and there was not much chin underneath a thick bottom lip.  So let the scribbles begin.

Ehh, no, the eyes are way too close together, and, nope the whole thing is off... 

Hey, that kinda looks like David Janssen-- or, Springrose says, maybe Johnny Cash!--  but not who I had in mind... so let's see what happens if I age him a bit and change the features.  Maybe a slightly different angle will help... 

Wow, that's almost Walter Matthau!  Too bad I'm not trying to draw Walter, I sorta like that drawing.  Sigh, well, okay, let's exaggerate the heck outta things to see if I can figure out where I'm going wrong... 


Aw, CRAP, now he's Bela Lugosi, #@%^&*, Scribble Scribble!! 

Well I'll consult other references and try again... and again-- 

OK, that's not so bad!!

Some more tweaking and inking and coloring and the final thing is thus:

I had a particular person in mind for the Spankee as well, and oddly enough, I didn't have so much trouble with her face!

If you recognize 'em, I've succeeded enough for that, or you got a clue from the title of the cartoon.  :-D  

If you don't, I'll have to try another time, or you're a youngster who never watches TV reruns. 

Meanwhile, enjoy the snippets and free chapters of scintillating spanking stories at "D&D" this week, like the first chapeter of "DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR" by Michelle (always a hoot) Carlyle, and you can go down under (!!) for the start of "AUSSIE HEIRESS" by Jamie Phillips!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Aw, look what lovely Lady Larken sent me!  And it's not even Woofie Day!

 WolfieToon Tools
    Thought you might need these.    :D big grin      

You can throw all those other tools away.  O:-) angel        
Except the ones that are attached, of course. ;) winking

Now I can color another three hundred seventy something cartoons!!

Thanks, Larken! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pink 'N' Plush

Here's the pink bottom featured in this week's WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"

Honestly, I've lost count, but Editor Reesa Roberts says I've done over 370 cartoons for "D&D!"  That's a lot of pink bottoms!

Although, sometimes, to be different and funny, a WolfieToon might show no bottom at all, nor even any actual spankage, but evoke your imagination instead!

And sometimes, the only thing showing in a WolfieToon is a Lovely Bottom.  That's so the female viewers might imagine themselves in the picture, or the male viewers can relish the view, or maybe so Wolfie can do a cartoon quickly to meet a deadline. (Shhh, that last factor is just between you and me, don't tell nobody.)

Anyway, there's another batch of titillating tales and titillated tails at "D&D" today, including Free Samples (and you don't even have to dig through glucose-covered cereal to get to 'em!) -- go South of the Border with Jordan Grace in Chapter the First of "HEAVEN," and out t'th' ranch with Judith McLaren for the start of "VENGENCE CREEK!"

Now I gotta go get this week's cartoon inked, there're faces and stuff this time!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Here is an older WolfieToon from "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" that I found wandering around by itself on the dangerous InterWebs.  

Of course, I knew to take its hand, lead it home, smack its little bottom, and then give it hugs and kisses.

But there are some fellas new to this sort of thing, so it helps to have it all down in a convenient place.

(Don't know how the line drawing here got reproduced looking like gum-wrapper chains, to use Springrose's phrase, but I'm not gonna go back and fix it now!)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Cerealsy, Now! By Larken!

It's a well known fact that chickens like corn.  Which is why so many flock around here.  It's a flocked-up blog.

And by sheer happenstance, one of those cocks, making an appearance in the new WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" this week, bears a slight resemblance to an advertising icon for a breakfast food corn product, 

which provoked this response from Larken!     

Hiya, WolfeMan!  How's Trix?  

I love this toon!  :) happy  I'd much rather be woken up with Sugar Smacks on my rear than a crow in my ear!  O:-) angel  OK, maybe a whappity whap...   Look at her smiling...  :) happy  Corn Flakes can wait.  ;) winking  On second thought, maybe I'd rather be seduced by someone's Lucky Charms  Clover  and have something toasted...  :D big grin  Just for Kix.  He'd say, "Honey Comb here for some Wackies, 

 and then some of Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize."  :-O surprise 

And Post Toasties we'd be all Grins & Smiles & Giggles & Laughs.  ;;) batting eyelashes

And I don't want any of that Vanilla Crunch!  >:P phbbbbt  Isn't it interesting that Vanilla Mr. Wonderfull's Surprize comes with puzzle cards, 

 but non-vanilla, er, Chocolate, comes with a ruler?!  :-O surprise

Very clever toon, I LIKE it!  And, gees, I know there's a Cock-A-Doodle Something joke in there somewhere...  I'm sure you'll find it sooner or later...  :D big grin 

Cheerio, DW!!

Quite a review, huh?!  Bet she was feeling her oats!!  Thanks, Larken, you're a doll!  

Say, if you've already read your cereal box, check out the free chapters of these "D&D" stories:      the start of  "NETWORKED" by Belle, and  the start of Nattie Jone's e-book, "Spanked With Care: A Sanders Spanking Center Book!"   But be careful, I disclaim any responsibility for  choking involving cereal or chickens.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kimberly's Complicated Craftsmanship

This is Kimberly Ann Thomas.  She signs her artwork "KAT."

The top of Kimberly's latest work looks like this.

There seems to be some less-than-subtle statement there.  

The Top in her picture is a butthead??  Now we know the result of such a remark, spoken or graphically depicted.

But is she truly surprised or alarmed? 

Anyway, you can see the whole darn thing and more at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE!"

Plus, this week's Free Bits start Jennifer Somersby's "THE TWO CHARLEYS." and Mandy Rogers's "FIRST AND FOREVER LOVE!"

Don't be cheated by crappy fan fiction inexplicably getting national attention when you can enjoy the real deal!!

Wolfie Says.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

She's Got Freckles On Her!

The woman featured in this week's WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" reminds me of a song !

Here's the song by Larry Vincent:

And here's a later version recorded by the Four Vagabonds.  I don't think the lyrics are as intelligible, but I really like the vocal play!

Speaking of play, there are three free chapters over at "D&D" this week-- 

And also from Celeste,  the start of "TWENTY-ONE DAYS TO A BETTER ATTITUDE!" 


Tuesday, August 7, 2012


That woman might be reacting to my remark that Mickey must've seen this week's "DISCIPLINE AND DESIRE" UPDATE!

"He must've seen--??"


Yes.  And for God's sake, don't ruin it by explaining it. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

And A-One, And A-Two...

Hey, look, it's the Band Director getting the kids at Practice all warmed up for the new school year!

No, wait, that's not it, after all... Except for the "warm-up" part. 

You can have a peek at the new "Discipline & Desire" WolfieToon HERE!    Tidbits of the new stories and free chapters, too, of course!

Now, if the cartoon looks familiar, you may have seen the original sketch IN THIS POST!  I'll probably use others!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Funnies: Dan and Wolfie, Part Two

Hi, Gang!

The WolfieToon at "DISCIPLINE & DESIRE" this week is a comic cover!

I did this mainly to show off the spiffy seal of approval that Larken made after SuperToonMan, but it's also an homage to one of my cartoonist heroes, the late Dan DeCarlo, who. at the start of his career, did books for Timely/Atlas (later called Marvel) like "Sherry the Showgirl," "Millie the Model," "Nellie the Nurse," "Bettie the Botanist," and "Harriet the Homewrecker."

OK, I just made up "Bettie the Botanist."

Dan and writer/editor Stan Lee went on to have a short-run newspaper strip about mailman Willie Lumpkin!  (Hope it's legible with a click!)

(Just to tie up loose ends, Stan moved Willie to the big city, where he became the Fantastic Four's mailman and lived happily ever after.)

After that, Dan DeCarlo began a very long association with Archie Comics-- which, you may have heard, did not end well.  He did spectacular work there, though!

So, while working on all these other comics in the late fifties and early sixties, Dan earned some extra cash doing pin-up cartoons for publisher Martin Goodman's line of Men's Humor Mags.  

In the book Innocence and Seduction  The Art of Dan DeCarlo,  Bill Morrison reports that Dan did five to ten of these a month, but to compensate for the low pay rate, editor Arthur Goodman (Martin's brother)  told Dan he could just turn in the drawings and Arthur would write the gags himself.  

Which explains to me why such brilliant cartoons so often had remarkably weak or just plain awful captions.  Well, this first one's not so bad...

Wow, those are great cartoon buns!!  The joke's pretty fair, too.  

But this one-- this one's gotta be the worst caption.  Ever. 

What??  That doesn't even make sense with the 'toon.  Dan deserves better.  Here, lemme prime the pump with a couple of throw-away lines:

"Well, that's show biz!"

"It's 'Life Drawing!'  Take a crack at it!"

"And now, in other Nudes..."

Yeah, lame, but a lot better than "scaredy-cat!!"  Chee.  I invite better submissions!!

Anyway, every now and then, probably when Dan actually suggested the caption himself, they'd hit a homer.  This is my favorite of the spanking cartoons, and sure,  you've seen it before, but you just can't beat the Classics..

Let us hope her disappointment was short-lived.  Perhaps she hooked up with Popeye.

Say, Judy the Jewel Thief also reminds me of another Funnies Femme Fatale with a penchant for purloining pretties...

Ah, but she, and artwork by animator / producer Bruce Timm are subjects for another entry, or two!