WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

WolfieToons by Dave Wolfe

Saturday, May 8, 2021

There Comes A Time--

 --when a gal has to make her guy stop screwing around and pay attention to her needs!!

Remember that Theodore Sturgeon "Star Trek" quote?  

"The more complex the mind, the greater the need for the simplicity of play!"

ESPECIALLY this kind!!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

¡Llego Tarde!

"Llego tarde", en espaƱol, means, "I'm late!"

"Lego TARDIS" is a Doctor WHO toy.

Apparently yesterday was also National Cartoonists Day!

So, let's have a margarita and enjoy!!

Saturday, April 10, 2021

The WolfieBlog Goes To The Dogs!


Once upon a time, a WolfieToon Fan wrote to me that she loved "The lovable, scruffy, ugly pets" in the background of my cartoons.  Well, some are scruffier than others, but Phil "Overbarrel" thought that was hilarious, and started calling them all-- dogs, cats, chickens, horses -- "Scruffies!"

Usually. the dogs appear as Witnesses and Commentators-- what Larken has called My "Greek Chorus!"

But occasionally, they are Participants, with an emphasis on "pants!"

So if you have pooches near when you play, remember-- they know more than you might give them credit for!!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

An Easterly Greeting!

"In your Easter Panties, your pastel purple fanny
will make the greatest target for my loving cascade!
Though you kick and wriggle, I still can hear you giggle,
and know you're really loving my hot Easter cascade!"

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Wolfie Birthday Tune With 'Toons!

 This year, in Hobbit-fashion, I'm giving you a gift on my birthday! 

One of the most precious presents I ever got myself was a "Puff" parody written and performed by lovely Lady Larken!  And since I have now the technical skill and her permission to post, you can share the glee!

(As you know, you can take it full-size with a click on the bottom-right button!)

(And if there's someone with you whose full-size bottom you want to click, too, be my guest!)

And should you want to run it again and sing along ( and you should!!), here are the lyrics!

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Little spanking capers, all that kinky stuff,

Swats and stings and ouchy things, he never gets enough.


Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interweb,s and draws those WolfieToons.

Forever he is drawing, transforming bottoms pale. 

Wolfie does his own research on rosening girl's tails.

Forever he is searching for bottoms plump and round;

Naughty Imps will lower their pants when Wolfie comes around.

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Spanks don't sting forever, despite our protest noise;

But painted bums and penciled puns will always bring us joys.

Today is Wolfie's birthday, the Dave that we adore;

The day he started on this path, to make us Imps so sore.

His head's full of tomorrow, planning his next toon.

Wolfie's got an itch, you see, to spank some Imps real soon. 

He is our life-long friend, so the Imps must all be brave;

We'll take his birthday spankings now, and Happy Birthday, Dave!

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Dave the Magic Wolfie howls at the moon,

And frolics on the interwebs, and draws those WolfieToons.

Happy Birthday, DW!

Thank you again, most skilled and talented, lovely and loving Larken!!  This has continued to bring me such joy, and, I trust, all of the Blog Peekers here, too! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Glory Be! More Paddy Patted Po-Po's!

I'm wondering if this is a good idea;  one cartoon with leprechaun spanking is an enjoyable novelty, but a bunch all at once might just blunt your senses!

Ah, well, let's not worry about it!  Instead, let's have another glass, and some fine and fancy footwork!

Yes, and her feet aren't all that's working, I know!

They do say there's treasure at the rainbow's end, if you can get to it!

But that's not the only place to find enchantment, y'know!

So, I hope your day's been brightened as much as this lovely. lucky colleen's precious. pretty, pink posterior!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Begora~! Paddy Whackin's You Probably Haven't Seen!

 And a Happy St. Paddy's Week to ye!

Here's the very first Irish Holiday WolfieToon I did for "Discipline & Desire," in 2007:

On a related note, in 2015, Seamus McPhee took a Banshee over his knee!  See?

(I think that might be Willow, Willow-Wailing!)

Now, you've seen this couple here on the Woofie Blog:

But they were actually ancillary characters to this "D & D" cartoon:

There are a couple more, but I'll save them for next time!